She Told Me Magic Is Reel

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She told me, once upon a time, that magic wwas quite reel. "As reel as you and I" she said. Gog, I wwish I had listened to her. Maybe things wwoulda turned out different...

I was walking back to my hive. It was a nice enough hive for a ceruluen blood like myself. I mean, sure it was no where near as large as your...well let's call him a friend, his hive is gigantic! He made his hive in the wreckage of a ship, which really goes to show his flair for the dramatic.
  It was a dark enough night, but the morning was soon coming and my lusus would have a hissyfit if I came home late again. So, I quickened my pace to get to my larger than some's hive.

  If I piss off Snake-mom again she's going to cull me, instead of the lowbloods she usually feeds off of.

  Finally, I arrived home. Just in time too, I could feel her getting ready to strike at me. The sun was almost up, but there was still enough darkness for some trolls to be outside.
"As in some trolls who's lusii aren't over-protective as fuck!" I said aloud.

Ok good, she didn't hear me.

However, I did hear the knock on my door. Snake-mom looked over at me, her head raised in a curious tilt to the left.

Grabbing my strife specibus, stone-kind, I opened the latch to see the last troll I ever thought would be at my door at this time of near-day.

"Hey...mind if I come in?" Eridan asked, violet tears in his eyes, feet shuffeling and voice craking.

"Of course, come on in. Are you ok?"   No answer to the question, just the sound of snuffles and a scarf being removed.  A body shoved past my own an I could a muffled sob escape as he cuddled himself into a pillow on my  couch.

I came up to the couch and gently pushed Eridan forward, so that I was able to climbed in behind him and he lay back against me.

" you want to talk about it or just stay like this for a moment?"

"Can wwe talk?"

I nodded, motioning for him to begin.

"It's Fef...(y/n), wwe-wwe aren't moilrails anymore. She said I wwas too high maintence, and, and that she wwanted to fuckin run off wwith Sol. I told her I was flushin for her, just like Kar told me to do, but she..."
His voice cracked with emotion, violet tears now staining his cheeks.

A heavy silence hung in the run, the  atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife.

"She and I wwere meant to be forevver, I just wwant to keep her safe. Noww wwe're enterin that game and evverythin is goin to shit in my fuckin life. For once I just wwant to keep somethin I believve in alivve. First it was magic, then my kismesis wwith Vris and noww I cant even keep my bloody moirail from hatin me. No, not that kind of hate, unraise your broww." He sighed, hands thrown up in the air in a sign that said "I give up".

"Well, Ampora, I can't make your past relationships real again, or make Pixsis feel any sort of red feeling toward you, but I can assure you that magic is real."

"Bull fuckin shit (y/n)."

I laughed and grabbed my stones from their specibus.

"Fine, if you don't believe me then let me try to show you."

I glanced over at Eridan who sat with a frown cemented onto his grey forehead.
I threw my stones at the floor, which began to shake. The stones floated up in the sky and started to spin in a circle as I moved my hands in a cirucluar motion.


I wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead as the stones started to show projections if all the things that make Eridan happy. They showed Feferi, the ocean, Sea-Horse Dad, Ahab's Crosshairs and the rom-com's he watches with Karkat, his scarf, his blood colour& sign, and his home. All of these things were projected onto the walls of my hive as Eridan watched in awe.

    "You claim magic isn't real, yet what am I doing right now Eridan?"

"You're just usin a specibus. As swweet as the idea wwas to trick me into believin, it wwon't work."

With that Eridan stormed out of my hive, slamming the door shut with a loud BANG behind him. I sank against the door, head in my hands.
All I ever try to do is make him happy and realise that life isn't as shit as he believes.

-----------Time skip to the meteor---------

Eridan's pov.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck no!

I held her in my arms as the cerulean blood dripped from her arms and her temple. She was so gorgeous and now she was defiled with blood as blue as the sea on a perfect day. One minute I faced Sollux, my science wand help up to his chest, the next I was pushed aside and she was on the floor bleeding out. The sound of electricity hung in the air and fleeing footsteps accompanied it.

"Ampora?'s cold. Are you there?"
  She started to shiver in my arms, head turning around to try find me

"Y-yeah. I am. Shoosh don't try to talk. I havve you...I havve you".
I was so stupid, that day when she tried to convince me that magic is real. She showed me safe magic, that could never harm anyone, but could help heal a troll as broken as myself. Like a fool I didn't believe her, and my fuckin science cant do jack shit to help the one troll who truely understood me.

As her chest inflationn and deflation grew shallower I did all I could to keep her warm and comfortable.

"Fuck...there's so much I wwanna tell you and do wwith you. So much wwe havven't seen. You'vve never been into the ocean, wwe nevver had our feelin seshion in the horn pile. Wwe nevver had..."

A frail hand pressed gently to my lips.

"I haven't got much time left, that's pretty obvious. There's one thing I've always wanted to do...Ampora come here'.

She kissed me with all the engery she had left in her soul. I felt her smile as she leaned into me, and felt her let go, slowly lowering back to the ground.

A single violet tear dripped onto her forehead as I got up, chasing after Sollux in revenge.

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