You Have a Nightmare About Them Leaving

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Request: Hello! Can I please request an Ikon reaction when their S/O has a nightmare about them leaving? Thank you!

1. Jay
This would make him soft, even if he tries not to be. He would hold you and hum softly, trying his best to just calm you.

"Shhh... It's okay. Just a bad dream. I'm right here," He says gently. His lips are pressed to your forehead as he strokes your hair.

2. Song
He would freak out. He's running damage control and calming you. His mouth is at your ear as he whispers soothingly in your ear. He's talking nonsense but he's just trying to create a constant sound.

"It's alright, Jagi. I'm not going anywhere," He cups your cheeks, wiping your eyes gently. He kisses the tip of your nose, smiling softly.

3. Bobby
Bobby, being the fluff nugget that he is, is instantly panicked. He becomes instantly soft when you tell him why you woke up. He grins like an idiot and holds you tightly, nuzzling your hair and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you, Jagi," He hooks his leg over yours and pulls you as close to him as he possibly can," I adore you and I'm not going anywhere."

4. B.I
Hanbin would end up taking you to the living room and turning on a movie, cuddling with you on the couch. It would be your favorite movie and he would put you in the hoodie you always steal from him, holding you close.

"It was just a bad dream," His fingers trace shapes on your arm," I love you, baby."

5. DK
Donghyuk would just hold you, trying his best to keep you calm. He's not always the most talkative but he'll listen to you ramble about anything. He's a sweetheart and he takes his time in calming you down. He would want to cook you breakfast but would probably have to call Yunhyeong for help.

"Don't worry. I didn't make it," He sighs, looking slightly disappointed," Yunhyeong-hyung helped me."

6. June
Junhoe is not entirely sure what he should do. He would settle for physical contact and soothing words. He's probably the one who is most likely to sing to you, if I'm completely honest. His sleepy voice is probably a bit rough but the sentiment is good.

"Any requests. I'll even do it for free," He teases, tapping you on the forehead. You can't help but roll your eyes at him.

7. Chan
Chan, while being a cheeky little bastard, does his best to take care of you. He doesn't necessarily know how to handle himself but he does his best. He places little kisses all over your face, saying sweet and encouraging things.

"It's okay, beautiful. Everything is fine," He smiles encouragingly, his fingers combing through your hair soothingly.

A/N: I GRADUATE COLLEGE IN TWO DAYS! So, I can finally come back to writing because I'm finished with finals and have free time again. I also get to keep the IPad I've been using for school which is going to help with updates since I don't have a computer right now.

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