<pre class="commentbubble reverse" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Helvetica, Trebuchet, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 16.80000114440918px; margin: 12px 116px 0px 24px; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 8px; min-height: 40px; color: #333333; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; box-shadow: #cccccc -1px -1px 2px; text-align: start; width: 419px;">@5soswow
Name: lexi yo.
Age: older then 10
Favorite John Green Book: Looking for Alaska
John Green character you are most relatable/similar to and why: I'd say Alaska because, well I do some things I shouldn't at my age and no one really knows what I'm genuinely like or what I think about. I'm more of a closed kind of book, and like to give people the mystery of getting to know me.
Are you a Nerdfighter?: duh
Other Reasons for Joining: I like making friends</pre>
John Green fanclub
De TodoThis is basically a fanclub for anyone who is obsessed with John Green :) If you want to be in it then continue reading!