Chips, dip, and bee.

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"There's the sun. Maybe that's the way out." Barry lets go of the curtains and start flying towards the lightbulb. I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it." He flies closer to it until he hits the lightbulb and falls into the dip on the table. 'Ow! How is that possible? Wait a minute, where am I?!' He started kicking his legs, trying to get out where ever he was. He tasted something spicy in his mouth. 'Wha? What is this?' 

" I predicted the global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first, I thought it was just me." Ken said as Andy dips a chip into the bowl and scoops some dip with Barry on it. 'What's going on?!' Barry finally sees himself on some kind of food and was heading towards someone's mouth. He was about to get eaten! He begins to struggle his way out of here, trying to get unstuck whatever he's in. 'No, this can't be it!' He looks around for any miracle but there was none. As Andy puts the chip in his mouth, he chomps it down. 

Barry is now inside his mouth. This is not good! This can't be happening! He sees the teeth crunching down on the food as the tongue moves him. He managed to keep himself away from their teeth when they were too close chewing him alive. The tongue kept pushing him around, tasting his flavor as he tries to fight it off. No matter how hard he tried to get away, he kept failing. He felt the tongue rest a bit before pushing him up against the roof of the mouth and slide him down towards the throat. Barry panics and tries to hold a grip on the tongue but its covered in saliva and spit, it's too slippery to hold on to anything. He turns his head and sees the remaining food disappear in the throat. 'This wasn't supposed to happen!' He noticed a dangling uvula hanging above the throat. He wasted no time and grabs the uvula before hanging on to it.

Andy didn't know what went wrong before he started coughing. Maybe he swallowed one of the chips in the wrong tube. "Andy? Do you need some water?" Vanessa ask. Andy nodded, holding his throat. Vanessa went to the kitchen, opens the fridge and grabs a bottled water before coming back to the living, opening it, and gives it to Andy.

"This day couldn't get any worse," Barry whispered to himself as he clings on to the uvula. He sees a light when the mouth opens wide. This his chance! He carefully put his foot on the tongue before feeling something cold and wet. He looks up to see water heading towards him as it crashes down on him. He didn't have time to react what's going on when he felt the water and the tongue carried him down towards the throat before it gulps him down.

"(Sigh) That's better." Andy said when he placed the bottle on the table.

"You better be careful eating, Andy. Cause if you start chocking, you better give me a free meal when I save your life." Ken said with a smirk. Andy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, right."

Barry was sliding down in the throat as it carries him to the stomach. Desperately tries to grab on to anything that'll stop him from traveling down. When he felt the bottom of the throat couldn't continue anymore, he was later dropped into the stomach. All around him was food and stomach juice on the ground. He tries to fly with his wings but they were soaked. He heard a muttered voice on the outside of the stomach. He walks towards the stomach squishy, slimy wall and presses his antennae against it. He hears humans continue talking about something he couldn't quite understand what they're discussing. He also hears his captor, the one who unknowingly ate him, talking too. He felt his antennae's buzzing before answering them. "Hello?"

"Barry! Where are you? Why did you disappear like that?" It was Adam.

"Oh. Uhh, sorry, Adam. I just want to see what's it like outside of the hives." Barry said nervously.

"Well then, how is it?" 

"It's-" His sentence was cut short when he saw the stomach entrance opens and down came more food as they splash down the stomach juice, making Barry yet and also destroying his connection with Adam. "Oh no. Adam? Adam!" He yells but hears no response. He's now trapped in some human stomach. With no way out or contacting anyone. This is the end. This is the end of Barry B Benson story.

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