That's What Friends Are For - part 2

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Three days have passed since Brian almost saw you getting ravished by your fiancé. It went without thought for the two of you, but it kept Brian up at night, a little more harsher than usual.

His dreams and thoughts were plagued with your moans and what his mind painted your orgasm face to look like. This definitely wasn't like the other times he has thought of you at night, no. Having heard you like that just made him want you more and more by the minute. Sex wasn't the only thing plaguing his mind. After he was done with you, he thought of making sure that you went to the bathroom afterwards. He would make sure to get that warm washcloth and rub down your aching muscles. He thought of what it would be like when the sunlight shone on your beautiful face when he woke up, your eyes half open as his grip on your waist got tighter. The smell of bacon and coffee was already filling his nose when he thought of your sleepy face taking sips of the bitter nectar.

Sure, he's been in love before, and he quit believing in it. Love to him was some bullshit game that people use to benefit themselves. The "love" they feel is the accomplishment of having someone love them. But what was this he was feeling? Was this just lust? Or was is deeper than just that? No, no, it couldn't be love. It was just some silly crush that we would get over in a month. That's right, it would pass.

Whether he would go to jail or not, his sick, twisted mind was going to find out.


Sal invited you to the studio to select clips from the challenge you were just in. It felt like home to you, the kindness of every one there made you feel fuzzy inside. Joe was your favorite person besides Sal, his humor and his good personality made him the best person on planet Earth. My goodness, Bessy Gatto was a lucky woman.

Murr was the sweetest guy you've met. Why did people poke fun at him so much? He would bring you snacks and treat you like a queen when you were around him. His jokes would make you laugh your ass off, and not to mention he was intelligent.

Brian was also a good friend of yours. Sometimes, you noticed him looking a bit depressed, but maybe it was just his eyes. His eyes were definitely dream like, to you. Brian was definitely good-looking, any girl would be lucky to have him. But you couldn't help but wonder why he looked at you the way he did, you wanted to ask him if he was okay.

And of course, Sal was your favorite human being on the planet. You were lucky enough to get to have him all to yourself, you wanted nobody else. Words can't explain how much you were in love with the man who asked you to be his wife. After years of being alone, Sal swept you off your feet. Yes, you're going to marry this man even if it was the last thing you do.

Sal's hand held your hand tight as the two of you went over some scenes with a couple of others. Laughs were shared, you felt even more at home, doing something you love with your husband and your so called "co-workers" for the day.

After a long while, it was time to go home. It was dark outside by that time.

As you said your goodbyes to everyone, you noticed Brian giving you that same sad look. His brown eyes looked in to yours, and they looked so sad. Still, you couldn't understand, and turned back around to the group of people you were talking to.

Finally, you've had enough,"Hey babe, I'm gonna talk to Brian real quick. Wait for me, mkay?" Sal nods and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before you go, letting go of your hand.

Brian is in the next room over, turned around, packing a few things before he was to departure for the night.

You lean again the doorframe and pat your hand on the wall a few times, making Brian turn to you. His hard eyes soften, "Hey sweetheart, what's up?"

Your eyes meet his once again, "Alright, cut the bullshit, what's got you so fucking depressed? Ever since I've met you, you always look at me like your cat died," your harsh-ish tone softens, "please, tell me, what's wrong, Brian?"

He grunts and quickly turns back around, "It's nothing, kitten, don't worry about it."

Your brows furrow, "Kitten? Brian, I'm not stupid, please just talk to me."

He lets out a sigh and beckons you to come to him, which you do, because that's what friends do.  What he does next isn't crossing the line, but it's about to.

His arms open for a hug. You shrug and give into it, wrapping your arms around him, as you've hugged him before. You noticed that his grip was tighter and different than usual, but there was nothing to think of it. Then, he nuzzles his head deep into your neck, inhaling deeply, like he was smelling you. His fingers tangle themselves in your hair.

Your smell made Brian feel delirious, you made him feel delirious. Everything seemed just right, the way the curves on your body fit his embrace perfectly just felt right.

This, however, just felt weird to you. You rest your chin on his shoulder. "Uhh, Brian, this is getting weird. Why don't you use your words and tell me what's wrong?"

He ignores you, his arms finding themselves lower down your figure. With his head still buried in your neck, he kisses you, making you pull back.

"Brian, no!" You tear yourself form his embrace completely, sucking the happiness from Brian's body. His eyes start to water as you speak to him, "If this is why you're so sad, I'm sorry, but I can't help you like that. I'll hug you all day long, because that's what friends are for. But I'm not cheating on Sal for you! You're definitely a good person, but I'm not hurting Sal, okay? I'm sorry, but this is getting weird. Forget this ever happened, goodbye" You turned around to see Sal learning against the doorframe, making your stomach drop. Uh oh.

Sal lets out a chuckle, one of his arms is open to wrap itself around your waist. He waves goodbye to Q with a smug look on his face. For once, Sal deserved the girl. He wasn't letting her go any time soon.

As the two of you left the room, you look up at your fiancé. Damn, he's still got that smug look on his face.

The walk to the car was silent, but as soon as your butt hit the passengers seat, Sal leaned over and roughly kissed you. Your core felt tingly as his lips went straight to your neck. His lips latched on to the same spot where he marked you just a few days before. You let out a throaty moan as he but and sucked that spot until it hurt. The pads of his fingers make their way to your parts, making you press yourself against them.

He stops and sits back in his seat, clicking his seatbelt. You whine at the loss of contact, earning a dark chuckle from Sal.

He turns the key in the ignition, chuckling, "You're always so fuckin' good for me, baby. I like how you didn't take shit from Q like all these other broads I've had," He looks at the mark on your neck, it's gotten purple already, "damn baby, I fuckin' own you. You like that, don't ya?"

You sigh and smile, "Yes baby, I do. I love you so much." After he backs up and starts driving out of the parking lot, his hand grabs yours again. He's been holding it all day, and you've been loving every second of it. "I'm gonna worship you tonight."

Sal smiles before letting go of your hand to keep both hands on the steering wheel, "Mmmm baby, don't get me all hot and bothered here. We'll end up holding up traffic for hours."

Your playfully punch his shoulder as he gives in and winces in pain. You couldn't tell him what your true fantasies were.

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