Chapter 1

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     The soothing sound of rain hitting the glass surface was enough to put Johnny to sleep. The monotone voice that kept droning on and on wasn't helping him stay awake either. The boy had gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before due to the party that he had attended. 'Why did I think that it was a good idea to go to a party on a Wednesday night?' Johnny thought to himself as he slowly began to close his eyes.

     "Seo Youngho! Pick up your head this instant!" the annoying female voice rang through the boy's ears. 'How annoying'. Johnny tiredly lifted his head up, and made eye contact with the teacher standing in front of him.

     "I'm sorry for sleeping during your lecture, miss. I don't really feel well right now, and I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to work effectively during your class," he stated. Johnny ran his hand through his hair and made a pitiful expression. The teacher began to feel sympathetic towards the poor boy and decided to let him go to the nurse.

     "You can go get some rest at the nurse's office. Come back until you feel better, and please don't push yourself too much next time," the woman smiled as she patted his back. Johnny smiled back, gathered his things, and left the classroom.

     "And that is how you get out of a shitty lecture," he told himself. Of course, Johnny knew how to manipulate people whenever he wanted to. His attractive appearance and charming personality helped him greatly, so he always got what he wanted. The boy decided to skip his classes for the rest of the day, since he didn't want to stay inside the prison-like school. He headed towards his flashy, luxurious car as he called his friend, Yuta.

     Hey I'm coming over.
     Alright. I'll go buy some drinks.
     Sure. I'll see you later.

     His friend, Yuta, was always skipping school and going to parties. Johnny knew that he was a bad influence, but he also thought that living a normal life was too boring, so he always followed Yuta. When he finally arrived to his house, he was greeted by his friend.

     "Were you in Ms.Park's class?" Yuta asked. He knew that his friend always came over whenever he wanted to get out of that specific class. But who could blame him, 'she's so boring.'


     "Well, since you must be bored as shit right now, how about we have a few drinks?" he smiled as he handed Johnny a can of beer. The both of them started to chug down the alcohol. Soon enough, it was already 7 p.m. and the boys had spent the entire afternoon drinking.

     "Hey I have to go now," Johnny sluggishly said. He knew that his mom would be on his ass if he didn't come back home. He had already made her angry since he came late the night before.

     "Yeah. Just make sure to not die on your way back," Yuta said while giggling. The boy was on the verge of passing out due to the excess amount of beer that he had drank. Johnny chuckled and began to head out. 'I probably shouldn't be driving' he thought to himself as he sat behind the wheel. He dismissed the thought and drove back home.

     The boy groggily opened the door to his enormous mansion and stumbled into the living room. His parents were sitting down on the couch. It almost looked as if they were waiting for his arrival, but of course, this was most likely not the case. As Johnny walked past them, his father called out his name.

     "Johnny. We have something to tell you."

     'Well, this is unexpected.' Johnny turned back around and stared at his parents.

     His mother spoke up, "You probably may recall that a few months ago, we talked about becoming hosts for a foreign exchange student." Johnny stared at them with a look of confusion. She then elaborated, "We have decided to bring in a boy that is a around your age. He'll be arriving from Thailand tomorrow, and we want you to treat him nicely. Don't ruin your reputation, since he's Ms.Sajakul's nephew. This could be a great opportunity for us to become partners with her company."

     'Great. Of course they're only doing it for the money. They're so stupid for bringing in someone else that they won't take care of.'  Johnny's head started to feel as if it was being ripped apart. It could've been because of the alcohol, or the lack of sleep that he had been getting recently. Either way, he didn't want to deal with any of this, so he went to his room to de-stress himself. He made sure to lock the door behind him, and then he got out his laptop and decided to look up his favorite thing: S&M porn. The hormonal teenager was practically addicted to it. He would always imagine how pleasurable it would feel to dominate someone that was tied up and under his control- how amusing it would be to watch the submissive person cry out his name as they struggled to get free. He wanted to roughly pound into them as the were handcuffed to his bed. He already owned many toys and ropes that he was excited to use one day. Johnny began to jerk off to the video that he was watching. After a few minutes, he finally finished and decided to call it a night. His tired body quickly went into a deep slumber.

     Johnny woke up to loud knocking on his bedroom door. He looked at his phone and saw that it was already noon. He wondered why his parents didn't wake him up earlier to go to school, but then he realized why.

     "Johnny, open up the door and come down stairs right now." He heard his father's voice through the door. 'Can't I at least brush my teeth first?'  The boy was annoyed by his parents' impatience, but he decided to go before they got even angrier. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw a delicate looking boy sitting on the sofa. He had a small frame that looked almost fragile. His jet black hair stood out from his smooth, fair skin. His facial structure looked sort of feminine- a tall, pointy nose, cat-like eyes, and a soft but also defined jawline. He had to admit, 'the guy is pretty attractive.'  Johnny began to feel out of place since he knew that he looked like a complete slob right now.

     "H-Hello. My name is Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, but you can call me Ten. I am from Thailand." The boy sounded very timid, and you could tell that he was nervous since he was unable to keep eye contact. Johnny stared at him and then remembered why he was here in the first place.

     'Don't ruin your reputation, huh?' He began to get annoyed by the Thai boy's presence, so he responded coldly. "My name is Seo Youngho. Welcome to America." And with that, Johnny left the living room.

A/N: Hello to whoever is reading this. 😎 Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this crappy story. This is my first time writing, so I'm sorry if it's terrible. I hope that it was at least somewhat enjoyable. :) Anyways, stan NCT! 🤠

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