🍃🌿Midoriya Kaimi

22 0 16

The original(Sorry guys I'll change something here)

Season: Boku no hero academia

Name: Midoriya Kaimi

Real name: Tsuki Aiko

Nickname: Kai(By Kirishima) Mimi-chan(By Uraraka) Kaimi (by her mother) Kuraii (By Bakugo) and Ai(By Mei) Aiko (By Todoroki)

Hero name: The Princess moon:Serenity

5 (first appearance)
14 (chapter 1-3)
15 (chapter 3 to provisional hero license exam arc)
16 (from provisional hero license exam arc)

Gender: Female

Birthdate: July 15(January 25****)

Likes: Ice,Raindrops, Her mother and brother(Izuku Midoriya) and the Tsuki family (except her Mother), hot spring,Drawings, Sceneries, Heroes, lanterns,writing her past lives in her secret diary,acting,dancing,singing,Fireworks, light,disco, decorations,Uraraka,ice skating,Happiness and music's

Dislikes: Villains, Scaring her,Bakugo,Death,Boast, violence, bullies and hurting her brother

Fear's: Hurting her brother and family

Personality: Kind,Smart,Cold(Sometimes),Nice,Respectful,Sometimes uproarious (to Bakugo only) ,silent,positive thinker(sometimes),Shy,lovable person,Creative,And sometimes Loud(When she started to fight Bakugou),and sometimes she was scolding when she saw Bakugou Scolding to her and the others

Appearance: Green with green pale long straight hair,green round eyes and pale skin that having scar at her left arm)

(Originally when she was with the Tsuki family her appearance was Green hair with Swirling on it,green in the right and blue left round eyes,and pale skin)

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