I'm embarrased, I found it

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The day of the part what does he find and how is the part gonna go well let's find out

Goku POV
I got back home to see Chichi looking for a outfit she all kinds. I really didn't want to get dress I just wanted to be comfortable. Chichi saw me looking at her and she smiled.

C- hey Goku is this outfit okay

G- yea it looks good but it's a part shouldn't you go in something comfortable.

C- just because it's a part doesn't mean I shouldn't look good.

G- well yea I guess

C- go dress up to I don't want to go if you have your gi on

G- ugh fine

I went to the dresser and found a leather jacket a white t shirt, a black jeans that is strechable but is kinda tight, and last a red converse. I looked to Chichi for approval and she smiled and nod I smiled back. It was just about the for the party so we headed out. I pick Chichi ip bridal style and flew to Capsule Corp.


We made it to bulma's house and I saw Vegeta I smiled and flew down fast to catch up to him. Then I remember Chichi in my arms so I put her gently down. She glared at me but then took off to find bulma. I just stood there for a few seconds then looked back to find Vegeta looking at me. I'm not sure why I blushed but I felt my cheeks heat up I turned back to what I was looking at a while ago. I felt a hand in my shoulder I turned to see krillin looking at me with a wide grin I grinned back and gave him a hug. We then went inside but as I stepped out on the welcome mat I looked back to see Vegeta following I smiled and walk in to the sound of music, smell of beer, and the smell of sweat I didn't like it but I knew I have to deal with it.

V- Kakarot what are you wearing?

G- oh Vegeta I'm actually wearing what Chichi wanted me to wear.

V- well I think your showing to much and some of the others are staring

G- wha what!?

V- well see you later clown

G- wait Vegeta you weren't being serious right!? Vegeta!!

I watched him walk into the crowd of my friends. I sighed and looked for anyone to talk to but I didn't find anyone so I went to go to Vegeta to asking him if he wanted to spar even though we just talked. I look around until I heard bulma say party ges I got the gutters and started it look faster for Vegeta. I suddenly got pulled to the group of people with a bottle sitting in the middle. Why did it have to be this game I hope I don't get pick first as I thought of this I looked up and gasped in shock. Right across from me was..... VEGETA!? What? Why? I umm well thats unexpected I wonder who pulled him here. I bet it's was bulma I giggled silently when the image of Vegeta kissing yamcha came to mind lol that would be funny. I laugh in my mind as I thought of the possibilities and then it came to the imag of Vegeta kissing me I blushed so hard that everyone around me was concerned. I simply apologize and we started the game. Bulma was first and apparently it was her birthday. She spun the bottle and it landed on yamcha. Everyone ooed even me then I saw her go and kissed him. She then sat back down and yamcha spun the bottle and thats how it went on for a while. Krillin kissed videl, Gohan kissed bulma, Chichi kissed roshi on his cheek, Tien kissed Gohan, piccolo kissed gohan and so forth. It finally came to vegeta's turn after krillin shy fully and fearfully kissed him on the cheek. Funny thing was that nobody kissed me and I felt funny that I was the only one out. I was kinda glad though. Oh and also you would get booed at by almost everyone if it wasn't a good enough kiss and apparently there was points and me a Vegeta we're looking because we haven't really got kissed. I watched Vegeta spun the bottle it spinned for a while and I just watched the ground until I heard everyone practically squealed or hollered I looked up and the bottle pointed at me WAIT WHAT!? I blushed so hard I didn't want to stand and go in front of everyone I stand put until I felt a hand yanked me from my spot and shoved me toward the middle. I bumped into a broad chest and looked up to blush even more. Vegeta looked at me with a glare but it softened and he pulled my face toward his. My heart rate was beating faster and I closed my eyes. I felt soft lips brush mine I shivered an bit from the contact. Then I felt a tongue glide across my lips asking for entrance I didn't bug until I remembered he is competing with everyone so I open my mouth just a tade and his tongue slipped in. I flinch from the kissed and we both wrestled for dominance. Eventually he won. I felt my legs start to wobbled and I got a bit dizzy with a blank mind and all I thought about was how good a kisser Vegeta was. My legs finally gave out and I almost fell when Vegeta grabbed my waist and hosted me up. We broke away from the kiss I was panting and I felt the pull again the thing I was looking for I knew it was here but why and how could the thing I needed is Vegeta.

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