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" and suddenly all the love songs were about you.."

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" you like it...?"he asked seeing me Contemplating.

I Nodded a yes.

He opens his text books and shows me few sums.

" I don't get these..." he pin points

" oh ok....these are easy, I'll teach you for sure, after that you'll be an expert at algebra.." I assured

" of course If you teach me " he said smirking

"now sit here like a good girl and go through the sums till I go check what kookie and hyung is doing in the kitchen .... I'll be back in a minute" he uttered while pulling a chair for me to sit.

" thanx.."

he exited the room, closing the door behind;softly.

My eyes roam around the room as it's foreign but comforting.
A cool looking leather covered notebook that was placed on top of his study table caught my attention.

My hands reach the notebook and I opened it up with Much care.

My eyes witness drawings and sketches of all types in his book. Some were painted in bright colors and some weren't.

Eventually,as I turn the pages i realize that each page contain characters and causes of actions in his life.

Almost every page included rows of words written in neat italics. I read them with interest. They were mini poems and diary entries.

My self conscience says that interrupting his privacy is wrong but watching all sorts of creations was extremely pleasing.

God who thought jimin Was so creative!!

I recognize a drawing of a young guy someone in his 15's, it has to be jimin himself. I am quite sure about it after remembering about the pictures i saw previously that was hung on the wall.Young Jimin was so cute and chubby.

Page after page the story of jimin's teenage life unfolds. I see drawings of himself with medals and trophies .i see images of him dancing.

he really loves his thing.

I found myself looking at his handiwork minutely adoring every bit and piece of it .The arts were so realistic and precise.

Then I found a drawing that I'm quite sure I've seen before. the guy in the picture was jimin. I recognized it right away.

But the girl in the picture,who is she?

She seem so familiar but I couldn't fathom out her actual identity.

I thought about it twice,

no thrice

and finally My tube light went off.

The girl was no other but



he has Drawn the incident that took place in the supermarket, the moment where he first met me.I scanned around the page and I found the diary entry of the day.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑⇀朴志珉Where stories live. Discover now