Deadfall - #3

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Place: Blook Acres & Garbage Dump (Underground)
Killer: Undyne
Sheriff: Napstablook

Napstablook's POV
I spawned inside my house. I have a Ghosty Gun. I heard Mettaton from his house, talking to somebody, but I can't make out the voice.

I decided to investigate. I went outside and peeked into the window of Mettaton's house. He was talking to Undyne.

"Please Undyne! For heaven's sakes, I'm sorry that I betrayed you!" Mettaton apologized to Undyne.

"Sorry is not enough, Mettaton" Undyne said before taking out a Spear Knife and stabbed Mettaton in his main core.

"I. Hate. You" Mettaton said before exploding.

"Cya" Undyne said.

I accidentally dropped my gun.

"no no no!" I said as I worridly scrambled for my gun. I picked it up and turned to leave. Instead, I bumped into Undyne.

"u-undyne?????" I was very frightened. I know she is the killer and she knows that I am the sheriff.

"Pretty gun you have there" Undyne complimented my gun.

"uhhhhh..." I was nervous.

Chara's POV
As I was walking around I saw Undyne holding a knife in front of Napstablook. She was about to slash him. My eyes widen and I rushed towards Napstablook and pushed him aside so that Undyne would slash me instead of Napstablook.

"Chara?!?!?!?" Undyne sounded suprised.

I looked eye-to-eye to Napstablook and said, "Run!"

I turned into a ghost and gazed intensely at Undyne. Undyne rolled her eyes and focused on Napstablook.

Napstablook's POV
I can't what believe that Chara would sacrifice her life over me... I listened what Chara said and ran.

Undyne chased after me, but unfortunately for her I went through solid wall. I phased through the other side and turned around seeing that she is gone. I gently moved backwards and bumped into someone. It was Asgore.

"My, my, hello there Napstablook!" Asgore greeted me. I calmed down and looked around. We were in front of Undyne's house.
"You're breathing rapidly, Napstablook. Is there something wrong?" Asgore asked me.
"it's undyne... she's the killer..." I answered.
"Oh? That's unfortunate..."

"but... i'm the sheriff" I showed him my Ghosty Gun.
"Oh ho ho, lucky for us then!" Asgore smiled. I frowned. He bent down to me.
"Well, no matter what happens we must always stay determined!" Asgore said as he put an arm on my head.

I smiled, "you always say that...".
"And it always worked" I hugged Asgore.

"Now come on, we wouldn't want Undyne catching us, do we?" Asgore asked me.
I just nodded my head.
"Let's go" He gestured me to follow him.
We left Undyne's area.

Papyrus' POV
"Geez Papyrus, you scream too loud" Frisk said, covering her ears.

Me and Frisk walked around the garbage dump, looking for Sans.

We saw Sans walking around the shallow waters.


"oh y'know, chillin'" Sans responded.

"Chilling? CHILLING? SANS, THE KILLER COULD BE OUT HERE, SOMEWHERE!" I screamed. Frisk kept covering their ears until she saw movement behind Sans. Frisk's eyes widened.
"geez bro, calm-" Sans was cut off by slashing. He looked at his hoodie and saw the ketchup packet he's been storing was slashed. He then looked at his ribs and saw them cut open.

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