Chapter One: Meeting Luca Vernaccia

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"Shelly!I'm going to be late for work! wake your fat ass up, you have to drive me!" I pounded on my roommate's door. Groaning loudly once I noticed she was NOT waking up.

Fine, I'll just walk it myself.

I got my black work shoes, putting them on and left, slamming the door to the apartment, hoping I woke her up. which I knew was impossible, Shelly just doesn't work that way. If she's asleep, she's asleep. No waning her up unless she decides to wake up herself.

I began my long walk to the bar I work in. While walking, I couldn't help but look at the astonishing Sicilian architecture. It all looked amazingly gay, just how I like it. As I rounded the corner, the bar I work at came in sight. It's Neon title flashing brightly, 'Ludo Bar' I have no idea what made them think it was a good name, but that's the name.


Seeing the familiar faces in the long line made me let out a long exaggerating sigh, almost all of the customers I serve would just flirt and get way too touchy with me. I honestly wouldn't mind IF they weren't all like in their 50's.

And most of them are friends with my father - who might I add is homophobic - I rolled my eyes and walked inside from the back of the bar, changing into my black button-up and tucked it in my jeans before walking out.

Vince, My boss, came and gave me a brief hug. "What took you so long? you're usually here by .30" he mentioned as he went back to clean the counter. I let out a groan, "don't even start, Shelly insisted on taking a nap and would wake up after an hour or so and guess what!"

"she didn't wake up?" Vince answered for me and let out a chuckle. "yup! anyway, I'll get to work, it's a busy day today," I pointed out, looking at all the men.

Soon enough, minutes turned into hours, serving all the men and keeping up with multiple conversations was tiring. Once I could finally take a breather, A handsome man walked up to the bar, taking a seat.

He wasn't a familiar face in this bar but if you really didn't recognize his face you're a fucking idiot. He's a well-known criminal around Italy. A ruthless man yet a handsome one, who would've guessed he was gay, well no one really.

His scarred face just added to his handsome features and those arms.., he could easily win any fight and honestly, if he decided to punch me I would actually thank him.

Funny thing is, he doesn't look terrifying as a lot of people who came in contact with him say, but then you hear the stories...well you wouldn't really want to meet him.

well, here he is.

Luca Vernaccia, I wonder what he's like in bed. what? he's hot!. I gave him a charming smile, well I hope it does look like one. "may I get you anything, sir?" I asked, straightening my back in the process and took small steps getting a little closer. testing the waters, you know.

"double vodka, plain." his deep voice only sent shivers down my spine. his dominant aura was clear as a sunny day, no one really stayed close to him, drunk or not. I kept taking short glances at him and I noticed that his eyes never left my body, which I didn't know how to feel about it.

As I served his drink, our eyes met. Luca took the glass and a question that I would never have guessed, a mafioso would ask me!.

"have a name, baby boy?" I was in disbelief, I was sure my mouth was closing and re-opening like a fish out of water at that moment. "Cody, sir, Cody Jones, may I ask why?" His lips lifted into a smirk.

"I'm guessing you know who I am, yet you aren't afraid of me." Yup, I'm going to die today. I'll miss ya, Shelly.

"Should I be?" Shut the fuck up Cody, stop testing the waters, you're going to fucking die!!.

"Shouldn't you know the answer to that?" Luca answered with a question of his own.

" I asked first" I gave him a smirk of my own, he seemed like a normal guy to talk with but I still shouldn't get ahead of myself.

"I like that attitude but, if you were mine your ass would be red, boy" I stepped back, surprised at the sentence.

"excuse me?" I laughed it off, maybe I heard wrong.

"you didn't hear wrong, I'll put this in a simple way, I don't have long here. this is my number," he wrote his number on a napkin and continued his sentence while handing me the napkin "you're a cute, sassy little thing and you interest me, I want you to be mine"

Luca started to get up from the seat while I stared at the napkin in my hand, I honestly don't know what to do really. what does he mean he doesn't have long here... I don't want to leave Shelly behind.

Why am I even thinking about this?! I don't even know the guy! It's a no, hot or not!. while I was discussing with myself, Luca was already gone. I sighed putting the napkin in my jeans' back pocket.


I was finally finished, I walked to the back, and greeted JJ who only works the early morning shifts.

I changed back to my T-shirt and put my button up back in the locker. After I closed the locker I walked out the back door.

and thus I began to walk back home in the freezing cold.


I grunted and smirked at the woman that came storming out of my house. She crossed her arms and cocked her hips, glaring at me. "Where were you?! Its 1 in the fucking morning, I was worried sick you fucking idiot" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Damn, re-fucking-lex, Onda" I moved past her to go inside the house. "Relax?! You were gone from 10 after you had a fight with your brother." She sighed, but still followed after me. She slammed the door shut after us.

Onda is my lesbian childhood friend. She's also my right-hand I basically trust her with my entire existence.

Onda was still hot on my trail as I made myself comfortable on the couch, thinking about a certain petite male that I recently met. "Cody, huh," I whispered to myself, testing how it sounded when I said it.

"excuse me?" Onda raised a brow at me and settled herself on the couch, raising her legs over mine. Honestly, the patience I have with this woman is incredible. I ignored her question and began my long search for something to watch, sleep is for the weak, anyway.

[Author's Note]

I have decided to start editing this book a bit, seeing it wasn't the best I could make it be! I know it probably isn't the greatest still but this story still has a few chapters left so I won't start MAJOR editing yet!

thank you for reading this story and being patient with me <3



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