Chapter Six: Date Night

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Luca and I were seated on the couch. Him less nervous than I, also Less likely to shit his pants. How did he even manage to break into my apartment? Which was on the 6th floor might I add.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked after clearing my throat a couple of times. He glanced at me, those beautiful eyes of his staring deeply into mine.

"Yeah, water would be great," Luca said, his voice held something I couldn't describe.

Who would have even guessed he could possibly chase after someone and that someone would be me?

I mean, why else would he be in my apartment when neither I or Shelly were here. Nothing made sense lately.

I brought a glass of water to him and sat down again. It was once again silent, he took a sip and placed the glass on the coffee table. He barely drank anything, maybe he was as nervous as I was.

I rubbed at my arm and just waited, waited for him to finally start talking.

"You didn't call me" He finally said.

"I woke up late... And had to be somewhere. I was about to call you as soon as I arrived but I found you here"

"I thought someone took you" He glanced at me as if to check I was in fact, actually here. returning to his position exactly after, which was both arms resting on top of his knees while his head was on his hands"You didn't let me talk yesterday, you ran away from me. I thought we had something going on Cody"

This is getting creepy.

"Luca, you're clearly not you right now. Yesterday was a traumatic experience for me and I'm scared okay! I don't want to be with you if this is the life we are going to have! I want peace not constantly worrying over the fact you could be dead somewhere! or hell Me getting killed" I finally said. We met a couple of days ago. He has no reason to get so attached to me.

"I just need some time and we won't have this life anymore, we'll go to America and restart a whole brand new life. Just give me time to deal with a little issue and I'm done with this life"

Silence filled the room again.

I thought, really hard which was rare. I liked the guy, he made me feel different but I wasn't ready to enter the life he had to offer currently.

"You made me feel something baby boy and I'm not planning on losing you so early," Luca said, getting up from the couch. "I swear, I won't make you worried or expose you to this kind of life. Just give me a chance, you won't regret it"

"One chance Luca. I get front row tickets to bullets flying at me again and we are done" I sighed, finding it hard to say no.

He smiled at me, his scarred face not really making him look as friendly as he thought.

"Thank you" He pecked my lips.

"So, how about that date?" I smirked.

"I might have a few places in mind right now" He smirked right back at me.

I silently followed him to his car after that, he even opened the car door for me. This car was new, yesterday he had a different one. If I wasn't mistaken, it was a Mercedes. A double-doored one, a sparkly silver colour which looked amazing in the setting sun.

Luca entered the car and started it up. He smirked at me and put a hand on my thigh, his hand was the size of my freaking thigh... that's actually really hot. I bit my lips and turned on the stereo.

I let the music take over the silence. It wasn't awkward like at my place but I preferred hearing something to calm my nerves. I don't know what to expect as a date with a mafioso.

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