Chapter 1

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Midoriya POV
Beep. Beep. Beep
My alarm clock has been ringing for a while now well, apparently because l woke up to only to find out l was late.
I jumped up and flung myself at the bathroom. I took a shower which took 5 minutes, brushed my teeth ( 2 minutes ) and practically flew at the wardrobe. Threw out my uniform and put it on as l put on my shoes. Grabbed my rucksack and ran out of my room and through the front door.
Todoroki POV
I woke up early so l had enough time to have breakfast without my father, have a shower brush my hair and change into my uniform.
I took hold of my rucksack and started to walk away from my house and to UA.
Izuku POV
I ran headfirst into Kacchan. My luck.
My heart sank as l looked at Kacchan with a scared look.
"Watch it Deku. Its bad enough that you got accepted to this school and managed to survived so don't push your luck." She spat (did l mention that its genderbent? Whatever)
I froze and gulped "Sorry Kacchan l won't do it again. I promise. J mean l'll try not to yeah!" I mumbled. Bakugou just walked away with 'tch' noise and mumbled something about idiot. Sigh. Well l survived and she didn't blow me up which is a good sign.
Let's never do that again.                People started to enter so l walked through the doors behind lida so l said "Hi Iida san" she didn't respond directly she just mumbled a small hi. Wow this day keeps getting better.
Todoroki POV
I quickly saw the gates appear and l walked through it there was no one there so l got out my phone and went on to social media and checked peoples timelines and photos.
Before l knew Bakugou walked in looking annoyed. I waved at him only to be met by a glare " What do you want icyhot." She half-yelled. Really l wanted to ask her why she hated everyone and especially me but l thought better of it and looked back at my phone. People started to bustle in so l put my phone away and looked around to see Midoriya smiling and mouthing hello over the noise the bakusquad was making. I glanced over at lida to see if she'd do anything about it but she seemed to be absorbed in her book 'War and Peace' so when a moving yellow sleeping bag- wait let me say that again - a moving shouting yawning yellow sleeping bag. Whatever she was she calmed the class down. "I have an announcement to make. You will be set in pairs to do a summary" the class moaned and lida's face lightened up "About a vacation your about to on" the class erupted kinda like a volcano and started cheering. Iida was keeping a straight face but anyone could tell she was excited Momo also looked amused with his face slumped on his hand scanning the situation. Soon we calmed and started with our work.
Midoriya POV
Awesome!!! I can't wait to see who l got paired up with l hope its Uraka wait, no staying with a boy would be too embarrassing maybe Tsui wait he's a boy too! Kirishima's nice but she would want to be with Bakugou
Aaaaagh what if nobody wants to be with me. You know l'm gonna stop worrying if its anyone but Kacchan l should be fine. Iida's super nice- Wait stop Midoriya your overthinking! After my mental debate with myself and started listening to the pairs.
"...Kirishima with Bakugou, Ochaco with Tsui, Iida with Momo, Sero with Kaminari, Ashido with Tokayami, Midoriya with Todoroki...." Aizawa read out squinting her eyes at the paper to see more clearly. So l'm with the quiet/mute girl with the ice quirk and hidden fire quirk, well l guess she's okay and l'm still as hyped as ever I'll help her open up and l'll be her friend. Yeah its gonna be awesome!
Todoroki POV
So l'm with All Mights love child, coool l guess. Maybe its a hidden test no l'm not going to think like Iida just gonna try to enjoy it as much as l can. I just wondering how my dad would react probably be like "How is this meant to help you be a hero" or "Wasting precious training time on a field trip" "How are you going to train?" Yeah l don't think he'll like the idea. But again perfect chance to escape from his grasps and within 10 months l will sitting happily in my dorm room. So yay, yippee or whatever you guys say when your happy and running away from daddy issues. Honestly, l would've liked to be with Momo of all people but, Midoriya is nice and hopefully will not be trying to invade personal space.
Midoriya POV
The rest of the day dragged on and occasionally there would be this hand asking "How long will be the trip?" and sensei saying "Would you please let me finish."
At the end of the day Aizawa said "Kirishima and Bakugou your going to England, Ochaco and Tsui are going to Hong Kong, lida and Momo are going to America, Sero and Kaminari are going to Mongolia, Midoriya and Todoroki are going to France." Sero and Kaminari gave a confused look and said "What is Mongolia?" "I asked the same question, its a country between China and Russia that is all l know." Kaminari and Sero nodded slowly.
Before we knew the day was and we were walking home.
Todoroki POV
Now l just need to pack without anyone noticing. With that l started walking to the place l call home.

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