Chapter 16

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Felixo420: guys!

Potato: HI FE!!! (^▽^)/

Felixo420: where's mark?

Potato: idk

Potato: he hasn't texted me since two days ago

Potato: I'm so worried felle

Potato: do you know what happened?

Felixo420: I have no idea...

Felixo420: wait!

Felixo420: I think I saw him today at the schoolyard!

Felixo420: he looked so...upset...or depressed...

Felixo420: he wasn't in a good mood...

Potato: 0______0

Potato: oh no

Potato: Poor mark!!

Felixo420: i wonder why he was feeling down

Potato: same (-__-)

Felixo420: what was the last thing that u guys talked about?

Felixo420: cause that could be the reason yk

Potato: I was asking him if he could help me get with my crush, yk before i texted u about it

Felixo420: hmmmmm

Felixo420: that could be reason

Felixo420: in fact, he looked kinda jealous...

Potato: y would he be jealous about that??

Felixo420: perhaps because he's single and feels alone?

Potato: hmmm (¬ ¬ )

Potato: idfk

Felixo420: it could be not the reason too

Potato: then why-

Potato: I wanna know wuts goinf on with merk! (>~<)

Felixo420: he didn't even sat with us at lunch!

Potato: I thought cuz he made new friends

Felixo420: but then he would have texted us at least...

Potato: u r right

Potato: wut are we gonna do!? (>=<)

Felixo420: talk to him!

Potato: he's not answering the texts!

Felixo420: we can talk to him at school!

Potato: we can only do that at lunch tho

Felixo420: skip lunch and talk to him!

Potato: wut if he doesn't wanna talk about it!?

Felixo420: we could at least ask him if he is ok, and that we are here for him no matter wut

Felixo420: we are his friends jack!

Potato: u r right, again

Potato: should i call him btw?

Potato: i can't wait until tomorrow

Felixo420: if he answeres the call...

Potato: imma try

Felixo420: ok i'd be waiting

Potato: he's not answering the call 

Felixo420: try again

Potato: he's still not answering

Felixo420: the we gotta wait until tomorrow

Potato: (¬_¬) 

Potato: ok then

Potato: *sigh* i'm getting so worried

Potato: i might not gonna be able to sleep tonight

Felixo420: relax it's ok

Felixo420: we are gonna try to make him feel better ok?

Felixo420: u said that he liked your cute self right?

Felixo420: you can act kawaii so that it will make him feel better

Potato: 0__0

Potato: felix u r a genius!

Potato: imma be kawaii for merl! (≧◡≦)

Felixo420: good luck potato!

Potato: thank you meatball!

Felixo420: jack

Potato: yeah?

Felixo420: how much do you love him as a friend?

Potato: as much as you :P

Potato: I can't define you guys!

Potato: you are my best friends!

Felixo420: u only met him from last week xD

Potato: so?

Potato: he's a really good friedn!

Felixo420: wtv u say man

Potato: are you jealous? 

Felixo420: no pppffftt why would i be?

Potato: (¬‿¬ )

Potato: suuuuuuure

Felixo420: ok maybe a little 

Potato: knew it! (^‿^)

Felixo420: whatever

Potato: ok see you tomorrow!

Felixo420: so soon?

Potato: it's 10 pm felix

Felixo420: since when did u care about the time?

Potato: since today

Potato: ok gn felix!

Felixo420: goodnight potato!

Potato: :P

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