A/N + Sequel

82 6 2

Hello everyone!!!

I just want to say thank you for reading my book. You guys motivated me a lot. When I saw the number increased for the first time, I got so happy and started to write more and more chapters. Every time I see the number of reads increase it would make me smile and make me write even more. Honestly, I had NO idea that I would get so many reads! Like how on the earth...My story isn't even that good! Moreover, it's my first fanfic ever! Like HOW!? (O_o)

I want to thank my friends, including @JoudieKhafateh and @MartinHason (and my other friend who I promised to not tell their name :P), for checking out my story, even tho it's cringy ><

^Translate/Översätt: Jag vill tacka mina vänner (jag har nämnt er namn där uppe) för att ni checkade min berättelse, fastän den var dålig ><

And I want to especially thank @Kitty_Reader100. You motivated me the most by reading and commenting on this story. You made me realize that my story isn't THAT bad and that I should continue on what I'm doing. Thank you so much! X3

And of course I'm not going to forget all of you who voted on this story! It really means a lot! :D

Ok, now I'm going to talk about the sequel real quick.

(btw...is it too early to thank everyone despite im having a sequel? eh screw it!)

I've already made a cover for it (btw I've changed my cover as you can see. It's much better than the previous one in my opinion :3) and I've written an outline. Now I only have to write and edit the story. It may take a while to write it, perhaps a few weeks or something, but I'm going to try my best (I might publish the first chapter soon tho).

The sequel is called Being Watched and it's going to be a little more "story-like" story, as I call it. Half of it would be text, and the next half would be the chats.

Ok I'm going to end this here. Geez I need to stop talking a lot XD. I'm new to this so idk how much I should talk...But oh well.

Thank you again so much for being here and I will see you in the next one!



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