Christmas Cheer (Katsuki Bakugou X Reader)

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It was no secret that Bakugou hated Christmas. He made it very clear that he disliked the holiday. And he also made sure that every single one of his classmates felt as miserable as he did.

But there was one in particular that he found difficult to break.


The H/C-haired girl was just too happy. Her love for the winter season made it almost impossible to make her upset. No one could bring down her spirit.

Not even Katsuki.

And that pissed him off to no end.


"Snowball fight!" Y/N yelled. She scooped up a handful of snow and shaped it into a sphere.

Izuku turned around to see what all the commotion was about, only to be hit in the face by a snowball, sending him falling backwards into the snow.

Denki laughed and chucked one in Y/N's direction, hitting her shoulder.

Throughout the battle, the girl convinced more of her classmates to join their little game.

She managed to get Kirishima, Uraraka, and even Todoroki to participate.

Bakugou watched from afar, eyes burning with hatred.

Attempt 78. Operation: Ruin that stupid bitch's snowball fight, he thought to himself. The ash blond slowly made his way over to the group, hands stuffed in his pockets.

Y/N's laugh filled the cool air as she tossed an ice ball toward Eijirou. The redhead ducked and the attack fell on none other than Katsuki Bakugou himself. Specifically, his face.

A few gasps and murmurs ran through the small crowd.

Y/N hurried forward, and stopped in front of Katsuki. "Oh my- I am so sorry! Are you alright? Did I-"

A explosion went off, cutting her sentence short. The H/C-haired girl lifted her arm, shielding her eyes from the spreading ash.

When the smoke cleared, they found themselves standing in a patch of dead grass and mud, not a single speck of snow left on the ground.

"Whoops," Katsuki smirked, "Looks like you're out of snow."

Y/N stared at the ground with her brows pulled together. For a moment, Bakugou thought she looked angry, which only made his smirk grow more triumphant.

But then, she looked up with a bright smile on her face. "That's fine! We'll just go get some hot chocolate."

His smirk morphed into a scowl as he watched Y/N gather her friends and lead them to a nearby coffee shop.

"Dammit!" He cursed and kicked at the ground below his feet.


"Whoo!" Y/N laughed as she flew down the hill atop her sled.

Izuku was seated behind her, arms around her waist and eyes screwed shut in fear.

"Too fast, too fast, too fast!" The green-haired boy squeaked, causing Y/N to giggle.

Katsuki stood at the bottom of the hill, leaning back against a tree with an annoyed expression adorning his face.

Okay, this is it. Make her crash her sled. Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll break every bone in her body. How will she spread Christmas cheer if she can't move?

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