{3}\ \ \A friend./ / /{3}

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We arrive at my house as mum says. 'I got your pills sweetie, and dinner ready.' I nod taking it smiling. 'Thank you.' Kenny and I walk upstairs I sit down starting to eat my dinner and take my pills, Kenny asks kicking around his feet. 'So, why are you taking so many pills.' I answer. 'Well um. . .you know how I got high and Craig and I. . .' Kenny nods. 'Yeah?' I answer. 'I'm pregnant and I have no idea how to tell Craig and I don't know how I'll keep playing the game! What happens if I get hit in the stomach?!'

Kenny grabs my shoulders. 'Tweek, you'll be fine! You're going to be a great mother- Father!' I cry. 'What if it dies?!' Kenny shakes his head. 'They won't.' I sit back. 'It'll hate me. . .' Kenny throwns. 'They won't.' I shake. 'But, I don't even know how I'll teach them. . .'

Kenny grabs my shoulders. 'Tweek. Craig has a little sister. He would have had to have helped teach her something! You need to tell him at some point!' I nod twitching a bit. 'I know! But he'll leave me! And I can't stand the thought of not having him!' I hear a knock on my bedroom door as I see Craig standing there. 'Hey, Tweek.'

I wave looking away. 'Hi, Craig. . .' Kenny stands up. 'I'm going to go. . .don't have too much sex.' Craig nods walking over to me, he sits next to me as I blush. 'So. . .' Craig asks grabbing my hand. 'Why'd you leave the franchise?'

I shrug. 'I don't know. . .more screentime I guess.' Craig looks at me sadly. 'But. . .I wanted to spend more time with you.' He looks so innocent and sad, I grab his face kissing him quickly, I snuggle up to him and ask. 'Did you ever help raise Trisha?' He laughs. 'I taught her how to say a couple words. . .Fuck, cock, shit. . .I taught her how to say our last name! And my name! When we had a dog I taught her that.'

I laugh moving closer to him. 'Do you want kids?' Craig nods rubbing my back. 'Yeah, of course, I do. . .I'd love to have them.' I ask. 'What would you name them?' Craig grins. 'Girl, Lilac. Boy, Noah.' I smile. 'They're really nice names.' I smile looking at his face, he looks so happy. . .

I sigh sitting up. 'We have a long day tomorrow, you can go home or. . .maybe we could?' Craig looks at me as he rubs my hips. 'Do you want me to stay the night?' I nod. 'But I know you can't. . .' Mum walks in. 'We're going to Grandmas tomorrow, sorry Craig.' He nods standing up, he kisses me. 'Night babe.' I smile kissing him back. 'Bye honey.' I walk him to the door and whisper hugging him. 'I love you.' He smiles rubbing my lower back. 'I love you too.'

I rub his arm as he leaves, mum comes up behind me and whispers. 'You can still play little superheroes with your friends, just protect the baby. Ok?' I turn around nodding. 'Of course.' She smiles. 'You're going to grandmas tomorrow, she's giving some tips.'

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Superheros.\ \ \Creek/ Craig X Tweek mpreg./ / /Where stories live. Discover now