Harrys death

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Hermione's pov :
I ran away from Crabbes dead body, guilt filled me up as I hoped Harry was alive, when a sudden rush people in the castle came out as if they'd heard something horrible, One said something about the Boy-who-lived being dead! I was shocked and ran to see if it was true and it was! The shock which would switch between joy and sadness would come later as I stared at the lifeless or at least I thought it was body in Hagrid's arms he gave me a look of pity as Voldemort announced his death and those who wanted to join him to walk to his side straight away , Draco the arrogant part who had bullied me was hesitant as if joining him would affect his reputation which it already had after his death mark. As soon as that happened Ron walked over I grabbed his shoulder but backed away as he cursed me saying Muggle-Borns were awful filthy being that were a curse to wizarding nature.I then expected all of the Pure-bloods to come walk out but apart from a few sly their staff no one else came much to my relief. Neville suddenly walked forwards and made a long speech about those being dead still being in our hearts and stuff I was so grief stricken that I wasn't paying attention until Harry launched himself out of Hagrids
arms while Neville went and slashed Nagini head of a pretty bad way for an Animagus  to die what happened next was so quick that Harry didn't have time to react to it Tom Riddle launched a killing curse which was deflected back at him with a rather blank Protego and than Harry collapsed as another one launched at him. I'll never forgot I swore to myself the shout of an Avada Kedavra and Harry barely managed to utter an Expelliramus before his body collapsed to the ground. Well and truly dead he was, in my anger I shot an Expelliramus at Voldemort and took his wand for myself before uttering a killing curse at him. He started turning into ashes all his Horcruxes gone. I ran over to Harry my newfound true love, Ginny was dead after the roof collapsed on her and her brother. She would be a ghost roaming HOGWARTS with her brother and possibly Harry. When out of the blue this happened.

He's Never Going To Be A Human So RIP Harry's bodyWhere stories live. Discover now