Chpt.16~ It is gone...for now...

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Then Richie stepped forward and said,

"See i told you i told you all, first of all you dragged me to the dirty sewers. Then i almost died, then you almost got my sister killed, and you punched me in the face, and now," he pulled out a bat then continued, "now i have to kill this fucking clown."

Then he said something It will never ever forget "welcome to the losers club asshole."

Then he cracked the bat at It. Then the rest of them grabbed something and hit it, he tried to turn into to scare them but none of them were scared, not even Eddie was afraid, after being  vomitted on. Then it turned into Beverly's dad but she shoved a pipe down it's through. Now this time It was afraid and he died and tried to crawl down the well. It died that day. Then the kids started to float down. A week later they were all in the meadow and Beverly was telling you all what she saw. Then bill soon told you to take a blood oath that if It ever come back no matter what, they would come back and fight it again. Then they all held hands. Then Richie left. A few minutes later Eddie and you left as well, and soon others left as well. And everything just seemed to be right until, twenty seven years later... 

Then richie stepped forward and said,

"See i told you i told you all, first of all you dragged me to the dirty sewers. Then i almost died, then you almost got my sister killed, and you punched me in the face, and now," he pulled out a bat then continued, "now i have to kill this fucking clown."

Then he said something it will never ever forget "welcome to the losers club asshole."

Then he cracked the bat at it. Then the rest of them grabbed something and hit it, he tried to turn into to scare them but none of them were scared, not even Eddie was afraid. Then it turned into Beverly's dad but she shoved a pipe down it's through. Now this time it was afraid and he died and tried to crawl down the well. It died that day. Then the kids started to float down. A week later they were all in the meadow and Beverly was telling them all what she saw. Then bill soon told them to take a blood oath that if it ever come back no matter what, they would come back and fight it again. Then they all held hands. Then Richie left. A few minutes later Eddie and You left as well, and soon others left as well. And everything just seemed to be right until, twenty seven years later...

A/n~ okay so yea, Ima have an end Chapter... 

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