what the fuck happened to them!

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Me sugar Anthony Katie Karina Kevin Samara Chris we're all hanging out at recess but I went to go by the tree that we always hang out by when I got there I saw something in the metal ballbin it was a binky? I picked it up next thing I knew I was a baby I said"goo ga goo goo" I tried to walk over to the Gang when suger picked me up and said "where is your parents" I tried to say"it's me sug" but instead I said"s-sug" "alyssa!!" "Sug" katie said"What the fuck" suger said"I  guess she's a baby now" as she said that Kevin picked up a binky and turned into a baby like I did he said"na-na" Naila then looked over and said" oh sweet Jesus" " what the fuck is going on why are they turning into babies" sugar then put me down as she walked over to the balbin Samara pick me up and I said"s-sam sam!" Sugar then picked up a binky and said"could this have any- she then turned into a baby then Samara said" I think this is the work of the Devil Himself" "why do you say that samara" as Katie and Samara were talking one by one everyone turns into a baby except Katie and Samara samara than said"What about- she done looked over to see that everyone was a baby"oh lord" "let's take them to the room" then Samara and Katie picked us up and took us to a room that said w.b. smart open the door and her and Katie put us down they went out of the room to do something as we went into Rugrats mode Sugar & Me saw the cabinet of candy sugar then gathered me Anthony and Naila together and we made a baby totem pole it was me then Naila then Anthony then sugar and sugar open the cabinet I heard

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