Chapter Eight

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The walk back from the beach had been long and hot, made all the more difficult by Grace who had sulked behind us all the way, showing no regard for the stop signs as we crossed over sidewalks, all to happy to walk out in front of passing cars. Such was her distain for my invite to join her and the rest of the family for dinner.

Her eyes had all but misted over with horror when Noah had casually told her I was coming along too.

"But we always have dinner just us." she had scowled back, as he collected up the blankets and used paper plates from our day at the beach.

"Exactly, so it will be nice to have a new face round the table." he had said gently, obviously accustomed to her attitude and penchant for loudly vocalizing her feelings.

Again, I had pretended to not hear, taking Lily and Jacob's buckets and spades from them, laden with shiny shells they had collected, walking ahead.

When we finally arrived at the house that Noah called home, it didn't faze me to see Grace stomp up the porch steps and start calling for her Mother, to warn her of me.

Placing down the kids beach haul, I whispered to Noah if he was sure it was ok for me to be there. His boyish smile, which I had admired all afternoon, answered my doubt as he took my hand and led me inside.

It was strange to be somewhere other than the bungalow, the place I called home through gritted teeth. Having spent so long holed up there, it was a shock to the system to be greeted with a home that actually felt like one, lived in and loved by those who inhabited it. It was a beautiful home, all wooden floors and beams, with white washed walls decorated with family portraits.

Lily, ever present by my side pulled at my hand as a women with golden hair and a round, warm face greeted us, an floral apron tied round her waist and a small vase of colourful flowers in her hands.

"This is Scarlett, Mommy." Lily proudly introduced me.

Apologizing for being unable to shake my hand, the women instead lent forward and softly kissed my cheek. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I hear you're joining us for dinner this evening?"

My side-glances to Noah went unnoticed until; Grace appeared by her Mother's side with her arms folded up high. "I told Noah that he should have called you first." she moaned.

"Don't be silly, a friend of Noah's is a friend of ours." she said jubilantly, gesturing for me to come more into the kitchen instead of awkwardly by the doorway. "Besides it's a lovely evening to eat outside, and we have more than enough food for our new guest."

I smiled back although I sensed that her Mother's cheerful response had left Grace feeling upset. Handing over the vase of flowers to Noah, she cleaned her hand against the apron and offered it out.

"I'm Mrs Allen, but please do call be Anna."

"Scarlett." I offered back. "It's lovely to meet you."

"You can take a seat outside, dinners almost ready."

Bouncing up and town, her tiny hand in mine, Lily cried out that she was to be sat next to me, because I was her new favourite friend, an announcement that made her Mother and Noah chuckle.

Noah leading me through the kitchen and to the back door, said over his shoulder. "It's been like this all day."

"Let the girl have a bit of space Lily, come help me bring the food out." Anna instructed, shooing her away from me.

As I stepped out onto the raised porch, I saw they had already laid out the table, with astounding care and detail. Beautiful coloured pots with bright flowers were lined up in the middle and the cutlery was tied with brown string, next to the place mats. I wondered if this was how every dinner time was in their household because I couldn't even remember the last time I'd sat down to eat at an actual table, let alone at one so elegant as theirs.

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