Girl in the Back of Class

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You're sitting in your last class of the day. It is such a bore. You look around the classroom since you finished the work and don't have much to do other than wait for the bell to ring. The clock. Your desk. Your middle aged teacher who is reading a romance novel in her seat. You turn your head to the back of the room. A long-haired blonde girl looks up at you when she catches your gaze.

Your friend turns to you, follows your eyes to the back of the class, then turns back. "That Carrie girl is really weird, huh?" your friend whispers to you.

"Oh," you get caught off guard by the sudden interaction, "I'm not sure... I don't know her that well." Your friend laughs and turn your gaze away from the back of the class.

"Well, she's a freak. She didn't even know what her period was. Can you believe that!?"

The bell rings and you stand up, pondering what your friend said to you as you gather your things. You watch Carrie pick up her stuff. She looks so lonely and closed off. Her body language shows that she's very uncomfortable. Your heart breaks at the sight of it.

"C'mon, lets go, I want to go shopping before we go home," your friend says as she pulls at your arm.

"Go on without me, I'll... catch up with you."

Your friend rolls her eyes and runs out of the classroom, following all of the other students as your eyes fixate on Carrie. You wonder what she's thinking. Is she alright? Does she want someone to be her friend or is she happy with the solitude? Before she's out of the building, you meet her near the exit and decide to take a chance. You say hi to her and Carrie gives you a confused and timid look.


You are happy that she responded, not being sure if she even would. You give her a warm smile, trying your best to seem as friendly and comforting as possible.

"That assignment was pretty easy today, huh?" you ask with a small laugh. Carrie shrugs and holds her books tightly to her chest, avoiding eye contact with you. Your smile turns awkward and you try to free Carrie from your uncomfortable excuse for a social interaction.

"Are you doing anything after school?" you ask, hoping you can invite her to come along with you. Carrie shakes her head slowly. "Do you wanna go shopping with me and my friend? I'll buy you something if you find anything you like." Carrie doesn't move her head from the ground.

"Why...?" she asks with a whimper in her voice. Your heart sinks as you look closer at her face and see tears streaming down her cheeks. Your arms raise and you try to comfort her without touching her and overstepping her boundaries. "W-what? Did I say something wrong?! I'm sorry..." you say quickly, worryingly.

"Why are you doing this? Are you making fun of me?" she asks painfully, still crying. "N-no! I promise that's not it... You just don't seem to have any friends and I wanted to get to know you better... I'm so sorry if it came off that way." She looks at you in the eyes, the stains of tears on her face. You give her a sad sympathetic look and she quickly looks back at the ground, wiping her tears. "Thanks but... No thanks..." She starts walking past you and after a delayed reaction, you try to catch up with her. "What, why? I'm really sorry... I feel awful for making you cry." Eyes glued to the ground, she says, "It's fine."

"Then please come shopping with me, I promise I just want to do something nice for you... No malicious intent at all." She stops after your comment but doesn't seemed convinced. "I have to get home to mama. I can't go anywhere else." You were caught off guard by that. "I see... Parents are like that sometimes. Hopefully we can hang out another time!" You try to play it off like you aren't hurt as you catch up with your friend, but the conversation stays with you and you feel a sting in your heart.

You can feel Carrie looking at you, you're not sure how she feels about the conversation but your heart starts pounding as you meet up with your friend on the sidewalk.

"Why were you talking to that Carrie girl?" She asks with her arms crossed. "I was just trying to be nice to her. It doesn't seem like she has a lot of friends." You walk to the store as you're talking. "Well you shouldn't get involved with her. She's SO weird!" You frown and ignore your friend's comment, upset at the cruel things she's saying but not wanting to start an argument.

"So what did you wanna buy?" you ask in an attempt to change the topic. "Just some makeup, I'm almost out of my favorite lipstick and I'm going to be doing a lot of kissing with Justin during prom!" You chuckle quietly at her comment. "Alright, sounds good," you reply with a smile as you get to the entrance of the store and open the door. Your friend leads you to the makeup aisle so she can pick out her lipstick. While looking at all of colors of lipsticks, your mind wanders off.

I wonder how Carrie's doing...

You realize what you're thinking and you shake your head slightly to get rid of the thought.

Gosh... What is wrong with me?

Carrie White x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now