Thinking About Her

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After buying lipstick with your friend Melissa at the store, you go home and slump down onto your bed face-first, with your knees on the ground. Your face is hot with embarrassment as you recollect the conversation you had with Carrie.

"So smooth..." you say to yourself, feeling awful for making the poor girl cry. "I'm such a freaking idiot."

You climb up onto your bed, cross your legs and stare into your lap. You feel warm tears forming in your eyes and you blink quickly to stop them. Poor Carrie... I just wanted her to feel happy... To feel included for once. You picture Carrie in your mind. You picture her getting tormented in the shower while girls throw feminine products at her. So what if she didn't know what a period is? That's not her fault! Is it...? You snap out of your thoughts because of your phone ringing. You grab it off of your bed-side table and answer it.

"Hello," you answer. It's your friend, Melissa. "Hey girl, just checking in!" You let out a chuckle. You walked home together and she's already calling you? Very Melissa.

"Of course, you always do," you say to Melissa, secretly thankful that she cares so much. "Okay enough chit chat, WHO are you gonna take to PROM!" You shake your head at this question. Justin and Melissa have been together since the beginning of eighth grade and now that you're high school juniors, she won't stop pushing you to find a prom date. "Oh come on Melissa, I told you a million times that I don't really want a date. I'll just go with you and Justin as the third wheel like always."

"And I've told YOU a million times that I won't allow that! You NEED to get a date for prom so that Justin and I can be all sexy with each other without making you feel bad!"

Wow so thoughtful. You think and mouth to yourself sarcastically.

"Then I just won't go," you declare to your friend confidently, knowing inside that she won't allow that either.

"HELL NO! Prom only comes once in a lifetime and I won't allow you to skip out on it!"

"Prom actually comes... Twice in a lifetime." you point out teasingly. "Whatever, you know what I mean!" You laugh it off heartily and say goodbye to Melissa then hang up. Turning to lay down in your bed, facing the wall, your smile turns to a deep frown. I don't know if I can keep the fact that I like girls a secret anymore. I mean I don't think Melissa would care but I just can't find the right time or way to do it... You let your eyes close slowly and fall asleep.

Carrie White x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now