3 | Circus

323 3 2

Thanks for reading, tell me is this chapter was the great.. est chapter! Eheheh... anyways, enjoy!

Word count : 639
Connie's POV

-Flashback & Story End-

"-and then we ended up in bed together. That's how me and P.T. met." The whole crew clapped and grinned. Honestly, I really liked the whole circus crew. Especially Lettie and Anne. I mean like, who wouldn't?

"I think also, not just how you met, but ...how you fell in love!~" Lettie said. She was a Connie x Phineas crazy fan.

P.T. came in. "Enough with the Connie x Phineas. Anyways, I need a new crew member. Connie, perhaps? I heard you were very talented, you don't have a job yet anyways."

I was.. shooketh. Will there be a time in life I will be unlucky?

"Y-Yes!" I went running and hugged P.T. and Lettie looking like she was going to faint of fangirlism...

"Amazing! The show (from now on)starts tonight. You don't know it yet, Connie, but they are going to be dazzled!" P.T. said. He had his handsome smile on. His eyes were locked with mine.

He blushed, then walked away with giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Then, I blushed. So much that everyone could see.

"Tell, me dear. Tell me your ways of getting that handsome man to fall for you." Lettie said.

"Oh my god, yes! Tell us your ways, queen! Even Phillip likes you a ton!" Anne said, the whole crew later agreeing with her and Lettie.

"Psh, P.T.? He probably doesn't want me. He just kissed my cheek, he does that with every woman he meets. I mean, It's normal..?" I said. Maybe he does like me.. I know I do. God that guy.

"But he freakin kissed you with effort! Unlike the other women, he barley puts in effort." W.D. said.

"True, also... We shouldn't be saying this, Connie. Keep it a secret from P.T.?" Phillip came out.

"Uhm, sure?" I said, not sure what he was about to say.

"Alright, Hey, fam? Keep it a secret from Phin too, okay?" The crew nodded.

"Phin and I went to the bar a few weeks ago. I said, 'Hey, Me and the family think you like Connie. Is that true?' He said, 'Fine, it's not a secret or anything from the family, Phillip, but, a secret to the public, 'k? I really like her, ever since my dad brought her home. We didn't actually adopt her, we just wanted to give her the best we could.' And that's the story. He might be mad at me if he knew I told you this but, worth it!"

"WHAT?!" I didn't expect this, why would he like me? I thought he liked Anne or.. someone from the crew.

-time skip to the night when they have to do the show-

"Connie! C'mon, we've practiced your knife juggling and all that, the show is already starting! You'll make an amazing entrance in the middle of the song!"P.T., obviously in a hurry said.

"I'm here, god. Do I look good?" I was in a tight, but beautiful, colorful, and shiny outfit. The legs were barely covered and the sleeves were long.

P.T. stared at me for a while and blushed. "You don't look good, you're beautiful. Go on."

"This is the greatest show!"

I and Phin made an entrance. "We'll light up we won't come down!"

"-and the world can't stop us now!"

The rest of the song was tiring, but worth it.

"-THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOW!" The crew finished, and an applause following, as well as a standing ovation.

As we went backstage, I walked up to Phillip.

"Phillip, I know it's a secret and all, but, I need to discuss it with Phin. I won't tell him it was you, promise."

"Pinky promise." He said.

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