Habit; ron weasley

847 11 3

one of my biggest insecurities
warnings; slight bullying, gossips, anorexic habits
house; Gryffindor
status; none
-sixth year
-self conscious

Enjoy !

(Y/n) Redwood was known as the  second Ron when it came to the dining table accept, she ate much more like a human rather than an animal like Ron.

"Could you help pass the baked potatoes over here hermione?" (Y/n) asked after taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Sure (Y/n)" Hermione replied, passing the potatoes to (Y/n), along with some salt and pepper.

"Thank you Hermione!" (Y/n) replied, giving her heartwarming smile.

"(Y/n) I bet you can't finish that whole potato in 10 seconds!"

"Ron, I bet you can't even get the whole thing in your mouth."

"1,2.." Harry started.

The two started munching down on the potatoes as fast as they could. It was source of entertainment, the two. Hermione and Harry laughed at the stupid competition while continuing their countdown.


"No girls eat like that, only pigs do."

"Yeah, no wonder she's starting to look like one too."

The (h/c) haired girl slowed down on the potato a few seconds after hearing those words. It wasn't her first time hearing those but whenever it did, she tried to not get so affected by it. Just then, one of the girls from the house across the group came over to her side of the table, slapping what seemed to be a piece of parchment on her back. Chuckling while she walked away.

(Y/n) stopped in her tracks although the countdown was still going on. She dropped the potato and wiped her hands with the napkin, quickly grabbing the parchment from her back.

"You are what you eat :)"

(Y/n) crumpled the piece of parchment and tossed it under the table.


Ron had finished the potato while yours was laying cold on your plate.

"What was that (Y/n)?" Hermione asked, referencing to the parchment she had fetched from her back.

"Oh it was nothing, just another one of those 'Can I copy your homework' notes. So annoying.." (Y/n) gave the only excuse that could come off her mind in a quickie.

"Ugh tell me about it!" Hermione complained, glancing at Ron. The 'homework copier' of the group and also your long time crush.

"HahA! I won the bet!" Ron said, victorious.

"Yeah yeah, you won~" (Y/n) said in her sore loser-ish tone. She finished up the cold potato that was on the table and the four started to talk about their life as usual. Not long after, they were already sent up for bed since it was curfew.

(Y/n) sat on her bed, against her soft pillow. Her freshly washed hair damping the pillow while she sat there reading her book but not even being able to focus on it. All because of what she heard earlier in the day.

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