Season 1,Episode 1

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Total Bellas:
Season 1
Cena House Rules
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Nicole's P.O.V:
So I have just been to the doctors and he said my neck would need more time to heal.
I asked John if all my family could move in and he said yes...
I'm really excited...

Y/N's P.O.V:
Since it's all of us, including Jey and I have to move into John's house.
So we arrive at John's house and it's big...really big...
John invites us in.
Josie runs in and Nikki kisses Josie.
We set our boxes down.
Me and Jey go to our rooms and so do the rest.
Everyone gets settled in and me and Jey go back down.
"We're all clowns in Nicole's circus" Bryan laughs.
"You guys aren't clowns" Nikki chuckles.

So now John wants us to have a formal dinner...
I mean...what can go wrong hey...?

Jey's P.O.V:
I was all ready and Y/n/n was putting her earrings on...
I lay on our bed and look at her looking at herself in the mirror.
I smile to myself.
"Why're you looking at me like that" she chucked.
"You're so wait more than that.." I say as I come closer to her.
She blushes.
I wrap my arms around her waist and whisper in her ear.
"You're cute when you blush."
She puts her hand in my hair and kisses my cheek.
"Such a charmer" she rolls her eyes playfully.

Y/N's Outfit:⬇️

Jey's Outfit:⬇️

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Jey's Outfit:⬇️

Jey's Outfit:⬇️

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Y/N's P.O.V:
We all got ready and headed downstairs...
Everyone sat around the table.
Cena blabbed on about some stupid rules we all had to follow since were were at his house.

I felt like we were puppets and he was our controller...
All these rules are like we're trapped and can't escape...

After we finished eating and everything everyone went of to their rooms.
Me and Jey went back to our room.
"That was..." Jey says.
"Stupid, pathetic...yeah I know" I finish his sentence.
"I was gonna say...intense but okay.." he chuckles.
Jey sits on our bed and his phone.
I go to the mirror and take off my jewellery.
Struggling with my dress, Jey starts laughing.
"It's not funnyyyy..." I whine.
"Do you want some help?" He asks as he stops laughing.
I turn around and nod.
He gets up and helps me with my dress.
He unzips it and I say "Thank you"
"Anytime baby girl.." he says as I peck his cheek.

The Next Day...
So Josie might have 'accidentally' bit John and now John's a bit pissed...

"What are you guys doing..?" Jey ask Brie, JJ and Daniel.
"We're making a dog run for Josie" Brie replied.
"Are you guys insane?!" I say shocked.
"Nikki and John are gonna kill you.." I continue.
" asked permission right...?" Jey asks.
They all go quiet.
"Oh my god...this is such a bad idea..." I say.
Then Nikki comes out from behind.
"What's a bad idea...and what are you guys doing?" She asks.
"We're making a dog run for Josie and I know Winston would love it too" Brie said.
They both started arguing.
After about what felt like 50 hours but was actually like 3-5 minutes Nikki walked back in and the others packed their stuff that they were making for the dog run.

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