Season 1,Episode 2

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Total Bellas:
Season 1
Quickie Fix
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Nicole's P.O.V:
So John has to have surgery and he's promising to spend more time with me...

Y/N's P.O.V:
Brie, Daniel And JJ were downstairs along with a JJ's Lauren (sister in law) who was teaching Bryan how to swim.
I get changed and head down to the pool.
JJ,Daniel,Brie,Lauren And Jey were all in the water and I joined.
My Outfit:⬇️

Brie was showing of her moves

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Brie was showing of her moves.
And then Daniel made fun of them.

I'm pretty sure Brianna is jealous...I do know my sister well.

As soon as Jey sees me his eyes widen.
I laugh to myself.
Suddenly, everyone was splashing about and laughing.
"What's up?" I ask them.
"Brie is showing her 'spectacular' moves" Daniel laughs sarcastically.
Brie then stormed of.
I turn back to the group and they just go silent and move on.
I get out of the pool.
"I'll go see..." I say.
I walk into the room and follow Brie to her and Daniel's room.
"Brianna..?" I ask as I enter her room.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"That stupid girl! What's her problem...she's amazing in Daniel's eyes...she's perfect!" She says.
"Hey! Stop being stupid..." I say.
"Daniel loves you Okay..?" I say explaining.

About 10-20 Minutes Later...
I go back to my room and pick my phone up, my bikini still wet.
I feel two hands wrap around my waist.
I turn to my right, Jey.
"Hey..." I say with a smile to him.
"Hey Princess.." he replies.
"You do realise...I'm wet" I say.
"I don't care...I Love You" He says.
"I Love you too" I laugh.
He starts kissing my neck.
He gets to my sweet spot.
I let out a soft moan.
I could tell he was smirking.

Brianna's P.O.V:
We (Nikki and me were waiting for Y/n/n to come) were all are in one room because we needed sister time.
Y/n/n walks in the room and I notice she has something on her neck.
"Nikki.." I say nudging her.
Nikki giggles.
Y/n looks confused and raises an eyebrow.

Y/N's P.O.V:
I walk in and Nikki starters to giggle.
I look at her confused and raise an eyebrow.
Was there something on my face or something.
Then I realise.
I quickly slap my hand on my neck.
"Shit!" I blurt out.
"Had a good time..?" Nikki asks.
"Shut up!" I reply sitting on the bed.
I quickly put my hair in front of my neck to hide it.
"What was this stupid thing you wanted to talk about..?" I ask.
I take some water and stated drinking it.
"Brie's never had a quickie" Nikki says.
I blurt the water out.
"What..?! I mean how..?" I ask.
"I can tell you have" she says.
I look down embarrassed...
They both laugh.
"I'll do it today.." Brie says quickly.
"Go girl!" I shout.
Nikki laughs and claps...

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