Boys are a whole diffrent world to me

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I'm such a wuss, I mean I ran upstairs when someone knocked on the door. I have my  reasons it could be anyone and we didnt ask who it was. But we saw tht girl and sister walk this way it must be them. So I guess that was stupid.Damn I think to much.

" Y/N COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Yelled Chante.

*i walked downstairs carefully and checked to see who it was*


Y/N is so stupid I mean its a dude and a girl what they gonna do to her.

"Hi im Jacob" the guy said introducing himself.

"Yeah cool so um....." I said.

"And you are?" he asked patiently.

"Oh right I'm Chante." I smiled "and this" I said pointing to Ryan " is Ryan"

"My names faith, he's my brother" Said the little girl standing besides him.

Well never. I can hear my sister footsteps she really needs to improve tip toeing.

" My sisters called y/n the one staring from the top of the stairs." I said grinning.


Wow, this girl is beautiful. Her short brown hair was tucked over one ear and she stared down at us whilst crouching down by the staircase.  Her eye lashes long, her eyes mysterious but innocent. Then theres her (gco)

Faith punched my shoulder interrupting my thoughts.

"What was that for?" I asked rubbing my shoulder, acting as if it hurt.

"Mommy said its rude to stare" Faith said sassily with her hands on her hips.

"But  wasn't-"

"You were" Chante said cutting me off.

I heard quick footsteps and looked up to see her gone.


HAHAHAHA can you believe a boy scared her away with his eyes I'mdying right now, like literally.

Faith whispered to me "Is she ok Jacob?"


My golly goodness he was staring at me I bet he thought I was ugly. Oh and him being a boy and all explains him sagging and why he looks so attractive, fora minute I thought I was... never mind.


"Oh my Gawd he looked at me, probably thought I was ugly and a weirdo. What type of fully grown teen runs away from a beautiful guy when he comes to your house.He probably wouldn't even talk to me after the act I just pulled. Oh why Lawd? Why did you make me this way?" I cried. I laughed a little then continued "He's probably an idiot any way, it's not typical of a boy with good looks to be kind, they're usually douchebags anyways"  

"Hurtful" I heard a girly voice say.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" I screamed grabbing a cushion and throwing it towards the voice.

"Wow you are really weird what would the cushion do if I was an actual robber?" He laughed catching the cushion. It was the boy from downstairs, Jacob.

I knew he would think I'm weird. But I was talking to myself, aloud. And screamed as if  I was in a horror movie. Ehh, I guess I'm not normal.

"Whattt?' I said trying to play it off "I just..umm"

"Your not the chatty type are you, oh and you really shouldn't leave the door open while having a breakdown" he said leaning on the door.

"What are you doing up here anyways? Hasn't your mama told you it's rude to walk around someone's house?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Looking at a pretty girl" he answered. CRINGE.

But I was take by surprise so my eyes widened and I looked down smiling. I swear if I was white I'd be blushing.


When I walked upstairs I heard her talking bull about me or what she thought I would be like in reality despite my gorgeous looks. Yeah I heard her compliments too. Her face expression when she saw me was so cute I know I just met her but I'd love to make her my girl.

"Don't hide your smile its beautiful" I said lifting her chin up . Lets hope her impression of me changes.

When she finally looked up, our eyes locked for a couple of seconds before she turned, laughing nervously.


"What did you...ummm" I was at a loss for words so I took a breath and tried again. "Did you need anything or did you really just come here to compliment me?"

Damn he isnt cute hes hot, ohhh he just licked his lips.

"Ohh. Your sister needs help downstairs" He replied grinning.

I giggled a little and followed him back downstairs.

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