~Together again~

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~Warning~ (Might Contain spoilers to the original episode 23, if you haven't seen it yet I suggest it this is just my view of the scene less...depressing XD)
(Btw I don't own the anime :3)

~Ash's POV~

I walked up to the white blank solid door, my hand gripped the door knob tightly fearing of what might be seen on the other side. I breathed deeply and opened the door only to find a sleeping Eiji silently laying on a bed in the middle of the room. I walked over and looked down at the figure I covered my face with both of my hands and began to cry tears forming on the sides of my cheeks, "What have I done..." I spoke and kneeled down beside the bed holding the loose parts of the bed sheets tightly in my hands.

~Eiji's POV~

I heard a voice crying yet I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes, I felt weak yet stable. The  side of the bed would curve slightly and I felt a hand touch the top of my head it ruffled the loose strands of black hair. I felt comforted yet worried as the hand gently lifted away I then heard footsteps proceeding their way out the door. "Sa-yo-na-ra..." The voice spoke before leaving the room. "Goodbye?" I thought only to realize that voice I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the roof. I then sat up slowly and would practically drag myself out of the room.

~Ash's POV~

I walked out of the room unable to focus on anything else but...Eiji. I wiped the tears off my face and looked at the floor blankly I proceeded towards the main entrance of the Hospital. "A...Ash..." I widened my eyes and would quickly turn around only to see Eiji leaning against the wall for support "Where..are you going..." He'd mumble. "Wait Eiji Don't move!" I ran toward him reaching out my hand, "Don't Go-" Eiji winced and gripped his left hand on his side and would fall onto his knees he reached out his hand towards me. "Eiji!" I yelled.

~Eiji's POV~

"Eiji!" Ash yelled as I reached for him only to hear other voices behind me. "Ash!" Ibe-san and Charlie would call running towards us I looked back to Ash only to feel his arms wrap around me protectively. "A..Ash?" I would stutter slightly surprised I heard his revolver be pulled out and the safety was turned off. He looked down at me and smiled before looking up at the other two down the hall. "I'm taking Eiji with me!" He snapped and would aim his gun, I widened my eyes as the two froze "Ash you can't!" I looked up with a worried expression.

~Ash's POV~

I smiled down at Eiji and then glared at Ibe-san and Charlie who ran towards us "I'm taking Eiji with me!" I grinned as they both stopped in their tracks, Hearing Eiji I'd look down and whisper into his ear. "It's okay I won't hurt them nor will I let them take you away from me again." Eiji nodded and looked at the ground I would stand up and gently pick him up. "Try anything and I'll kill you both." I threatened and would walk out carrying Eiji in a bridle like style he blushed but covered his face in my coat.

[Time Skip]

~Eiji's POV~

I groaned slightly and would feel soft sheets they didn't feel like the hospital's but they smelt funny almost dry. I opened my eyes slightly and would blink continuously a bright light seemed to be blinding me, I tried sitting up but felt a large arm around my waist I looked beside me and noticed Ash sleeping quietly his arm wrapped around my figure I blushed and tried moving his arm only to be held there firmly.

~Ash's POV~

Feeling someone pushing on my chest I opened my eyes and smirked seeing a blushing Eiji. I wrapped both my arms tightly around him and sighed "Finally...I've gotten you back." I whined and rested my chin on his head. "Ash your heavy." Eiji frowned his cheeks still red due to his blushing I grinned "Oh am I?" I would sit up and look down at him "I'm sorry I was tired...and I missed you~" I lifted Eiji's chin and kissed him lightly I'd then pull away.

~Eiji's POV~

Widening my eyes at the sudden kiss I felt Ash pull away and instantly covered my face in the pillows. "What's with you all of a sudden.." I mumbled looking back up at Ash "Eiji..." Ash would begin to speak ruffling his hand through my dark hair. "I've never got a chance to tell you this...and I feel like it might be...troublesome but..."

~Ash's POV~

I held Eiji's hand protectively and looked at his Dark eyes before clearing my throat. "I've been really over protective huh..." I would laugh nervously and look away slightly embarrassed I feel Eiji's hand hold the side of my face and bring my eyes towards his "Ash I get it..." He smiled "Eiji I like you...." I mutter. "But...I can't show it..." I look away and gently remove his hand.

~Eiji's POV~

I look worried for Ash and sigh sitting up I hug him he pauses but pushes me away, "Eiji don't you get it I can't...love you..." He buries his face in his hands "Someone will find out and..." I sigh "Ash no one can hurt me..." I slowly stand up only to flinch and sit back down Ash quickly runs over to my side and puts his hand on my shoulder "Eiji I can't let something like this happen again...I just got you back..." I smile and face Ash's face to mine our eyes meet "Then again it was my fault." I hug him again this time he doesn't push me away he hugs me back.

~Ash's POV~

Feeling Eiji hug me I smile and hug him back causing him to jump slightly surprised I grin "Eiji...I love you." I look back at him and kiss him "I love you too." He speaks before I kiss him. We pull away "Promise me you won't leave my side understand?" I look at him and he nods laughing slightly "Haven't I already promised you that?" I blush lightly and frown "Yeah...yeah whatever." We smile and I stand up "You better rest."

~Eiji's POV~

I lay down and Ash pulls the covers over me I pause, "Wait...where are we?" I ask and he kisses my forehead before standing back up and crossing his arms "We're at a hideout of mine I found it no one knows where we are so we're safe." He smiles and walks towards a door before turning his head "Now get some rest." He waves his hand before walking out. I smile and turn onto my side and slowly drift off to sleep...

 I smile and turn onto my side and slowly drift off to sleep

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~~~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~~

(Isn't that sweet ❤️ x3 Anyways I hope you enjoyed this is my first time in Wattpad and requests are open anytime Bye for now~~~)
(And I do Not own the Art)

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