Diaries and Kisses

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A/N: This is longer than the last one, and probably more cheesy. Ok, it's, like, totally cheesy and fluffy. You have been warned.

"GIVE ME THAT BACK OR ELSE!" Sabrina yelled, chasing after an insanely grinning Puck, who just happened to to have Sabrina's diary in his hands. Coincidentally. 

"Or else what?" Puck mocked, sneering.

"I will shred your limbs into dust, make you choke to death in that dust,  revive you-"

"Aw, you're so sweet."

"-and then I'll shred your imaginary friend, oh, what's his name? Kraven! Then I'll shred Kraven to dust and make you choke to death on that dust!"

"You wouldn't. You love me." Puck teases, slowing down, but not enough to let Sabrina catch him. Catch means mercilessly strangle to death by the way.

"I do not love you!" Sabrina blushed. " And yes, I will. In fact, I happen to have a paper shredder on me!"

"And you're gonna shove my limbs through it? Your threats are so graphic. Why do you want your little book back so bad anyway?"

"Because-oh just give it to me, it's mine!"

"Wait." A mischievous grin spread across Puck's face. "Is there something in it you don't want me to see?"

Sabrina blushes harder. "No!"

Puck laughed at her flustered state. "Sure there is!" He grabbed her wrist and dragged the poor blonde girl back to her room, then forcing both of them to plop down on her bed. Sabrina had given up taking her diary back, and her face was, to her mortification, heating up and as red as a tomato. Puck opened the book to a random page as Sabrina buried her face into her pillow with shame. "Daphne is officially an annoying buzz." Puck read aloud from the book. "I'm pretty sure this is her twentieth time trying to put a truth potion on me so I admit I love Puck, which I do not! Ok, fine, maybe a little. Like, one ten thousandth of a centimeter." Puck closed the book and  turned to Sabrina, whose face was pretty much burning hotter than the sun. "Aww! Little piggie admitted she loves me!"

"One ten thousandth of a centimeter. I love you one ten thousandth of a centimeter." Sabrina groaned.

"Still counts!" Puck said in an annoying, sing-song voice. Without warning, he leaned in and kissed Sabrina's lips. "How much do you love me now?" He asked, blushing.

"Two ten thousandths of centimeter." Sabrina replied. I would say she was blushing, but she already was.

Puck shrugged and leaned in for another kiss, but Sabrina saw it coming this time and knees him in the face. 

 "Why do you do this to me?" Puck whined. "You love me."

"Two ten thousandths of a centimeter." Sabrina corrected him. "AND you've just been demoted to one ten thousandth of a centimeter."

Puck gasped dramatically. "All my hard work!" He cried.

Sabrina snorted and rolled her eyes at him.

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