Roses and Rumors

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The rest of the weekend seemed to pass by in a blur and before I knew it, Monday morning had come back around with its usual rush of preparing for work and getting the kids off to school. After a few days of working from home, I knew I had to head into the firm to catch up on my duties, but I wasn't exactly all that thrilled about getting dressed up to go.

I settled on the bare basics, a pair of brown slacks with a maroon turtleneck and a pair of simple brown dress shoes. I let my curly hair fall around my shoulders and did a few light touches of make-up before I headed to Natalie and Logan's rooms.

I found Natalie half-dressed and singing into her hairbrush like a microphone. I chuckled and knocked on the door, "C'mon, sweetie, you've got to hurry up. I have to go in to the office today."

She groaned, "Can't I skip today like Logan?"

I frowned, "Who said anything about Logan skipping?"

"He's in Grandma and Grandpa's room and Grandma said he could skip today."

I could feel my eyebrows furrow, "Okay, well, I don't know anything about that. I'll have to talk to Grandma and Logan, but I know you're going. So get dressed please."

"Fine," she sighed and swung her legs off her bed before going over to the dresser to get the outfit I'd helped her pick out the night before.

I padded down the long hallway to the guest bedroom and peeked my head inside to find Logan laying in the bed and licking at a popsicle while we wore a pair of headphones and gazed at his iPad screen.

"He had a tummy ache over in the middle of the night," Mom explained before I could ask.

I sighed, "Did he sneak and eat another slice of chocolate cake?"

"Oh, was he not supposed to have a second slice?" Jack asked as he came out of the adjoined bathroom and adjusted his coat and tie.

"No," I shook my head. "He wasn't and I told him that. He always gets an upset stomach when he eats sugary things late at night."

"Sorry, I didn't know," Jack apologized.

I gave a small nod, "Well now I guess I'll just have to call him in sick and figure out my own arrangements at work."

"Oh, nonsense, sweetie. I already called him in and I'll look after him," Mom said. "You should go on in to work. We'll be fine here."

"You're sure?" I asked and Mom nodded.

"I'm sure, honey."

"Okay," I gave in and walked over to the bed to sit next to Logan.

I gestured to his iPad and he tapped the screen before looking up at me and giving me a sheepish look with the brown eyes that were a mix of mine and Jordan's, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I ate the cake after you told me not to and it made my tummy hurt."

I sighed and kissed his forehead, "I know, baby boy, Grandma and Grandpa told me and I forgive you. But the rules I make for you are really for your own good, honey. I didn't want you to have any discomfort."

He nodded solemnly, "I'll listen next time."

"I hope so," I lightly brushed his hair out of his eyes, "I have to go to work, but Grandma will be here with you. Try to get some rest, okay? And do what she tells you."

"I will, Mommy," he nodded.

"Okay," I kissed him lightly once more. "Call me if you need anything."

"Okay," he said before going back to his show and I got up from the bed.

I went over the list for all the emergency numbers and doctors with my mother, which she nodded and told me she already knew like the back of her hand before I called out for Natalie again and made my way downstairs where I found that Scout had yet to be let outside.

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