Graduations and Grandparents

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"Alright guys, let's go, or we're going to be late!" Dad called out from downstairs and I took one last glance around my room.

In the span of the past few months, my room had transformed from being just a space of my own to one that had been designed to accommodate me and my little girl. From the white bassinet to the tiny pink things that were positioned throughout, I was constantly reminded that she could arrive any day now.

At the moment, that was a welcoming thought as I shifted uncomfortably from the dull throb in my back that made me want to crawl back in bed. The only thing that kept me on my feet was the fact that Jesse was graduating today and I'd promised him I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'd spent days looking for a maternity dress that didn't make me look like an oompa loompa before settling on a pink and white cotton sundress and planning out every little detail for the day. He needed people there to cheer him on and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Dad frowned as his eyes landed on me as I made my way downstairs. I was the last one heading out the door and I knew my steps were a lot slower than usual.

I nodded, "I'm fine. I think think the baby is just sitting weird again. It's probably nothing."

His eyebrows drew together, "Are you sure? You look like you're in pain, honey."

"It'll pass," I assured him as my phone rang and I pulled it out of my purse to see Jesse's picture. "Like you said we're going to be late and they're going to call Jesse pretty early. They go by last names and he's an F."

"I know, I know," Dad sighed and held the front door open for me.

I kissed his cheek as I slipped out the door and answered my phone, "We're on our way Jesse, everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. I'm fine," he sounded frazzled and I could tell he was pacing back and forth.

"You're not freaking out?" I settled into the van and buckled in whilst Dad climbed into the driver's seat.

"Okay, I'm freaking out a little. Do you know which way the tassel is supposed to go?"

"To the right. You'll move it to the left when Principal Williams gives you your diploma. Remember we read about it in the graduation packet? You said you'd remember that because it'd mean you finally left Barrett," I chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, I did say that. Didn't I?" he asked.

"Yes, you did," I giggled.

"I just hope I don't fall flat on my face when I walk to get my diploma. Or worse, maybe I'll freeze up or say something stupid during my speech. They already think I'm the dumb kid from Dorchester."

"You're going to be fine and nobody thinks that Jesse," I softened.

The principal had asked Jesse to speak at graduation on behalf of the students that were out of district attendees. He hadn't exactly been thrilled about the idea since his opinion of the school was rather dismal, but I'd convinced him that it was an honor and the principal had recognized him because he was one of the outstanding students to go through the school choice program.

"You don't think that, but everybody else does," he insisted.

"Zoe doesn't think that. Nate doesn't think that. Neither does Michelle or Wes."

"Okay, none of you think that, but you're all friends so you think alike."

"Lots of other people don't think that way either, Jess."

"Define lots," he wasn't budging.

"Just breathe and try to relax okay?" I asked.

He sighed, "I should probably go. I think they're calling me. Your family is sitting with Dad and Becca, right?"

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