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Edd had decided he needed to restock on cola for his winter hibernation but tom had stolen the car for his secrets.

He now had to get the bus and he hates the bus.

The way it was so inconvenient to people sucked.

It was always late or packed full of people.

Either way, it was bad.

After waiting for a solid 6 minutes, Edd finally could pay for the bus ticket. 

He did so and it was unusually expensive, so he decided to walk home afterwards instead.

The shop was incredibly boring, with people buying their normal pieces of junk.

Edd followed suit except he only got cola and bacon, as you do.

In the checkout line, the pitter-patter of rain started to ring and there the cola boy knew he had to go get the bus again.

He stood out there in the rain waiting for the damned bus to come, but it never did.

As he was walking away from the bus stop, one of the came and didn't stop for him (obviously) he was outta luck.

Drenched and freezing cold, Edd stepped through the front of his house's door and sighed angrily.

Tord, sat on the couch comfortably, laughed at his boyfriend's current state.

The soggy one was not amused and lashed at him.

Our norwegian begged for forgiveness and eventually got his way through cooking Edd some bacon and giving him a hot cocoa (mixed with cola).

some tordedd and tomatt fluff [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now