Wrath of the Lich King...or Queen...

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((Okay,you may be wondering:WTF IS A LICH?!IS SHE CRAZY?WTF?

Well...me,being the hardcore gamer and a HUGE World of Warcraft fan for about 7 years,I decided.Why the fuck not?So,practically.Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK) It's the second expenspion of the original WoW game.And the Lich King is the final boss and one of the best/worst bosses in WoW.SO yeah.This image--->.Is the Lich from the story,not the game.If you want,I could add a picture of the Lich King in another chapter/as an external link.

Thanks fot reading this geek rambling hehe XD))

Sighing, we decided to open up the parlor,since it was already 6 AM,and while nobody was there,we went through all the huge dusty books to gain more information on the "Lich"

Apparently,the "Lich" is a very powerful being,who can fuck with everyone's minds,getting them to insanity and suicide.Noo~t cool.Weconcluded that this certain Lich didn't want to kill me,but make me insane...at least at first.

We are about 75% sure that this Lich is that one that had an obsession with Azrael and...yeah.She's jealous over the line.

Whatever do we know else....Apart from the fact that she's a HUGE psycho...and that she may or may not be as powerful as Azrael...and that she's free now...and that I'm fucked...I have to know if "Sebastian" is my father.

When I asked him about my mum,he reacted in a pretty weird manner and I want to know the truth,but all in due time.

Me: So....what am I to do?What do I do when I'm sleepy?I can't stay awake forever you know?

Az:Yes,of course,I am very aware...But the only thing I know that can help you,even by a little,is coffee.

me:*sigh*I hate coffee but...if that can save my life,then I'm fine with it.....Why the hell did she call you Azazel anyways?It's freaking stupid and so NOT your name!

Az:*putting hand over forehead,getting his bangs up*I have no clue....Azazel is actually the second most powerful demon,the first being Lucifer himself.

me:And yet,you are...*cough*WERE a shinigami...Maybe she faught this "Azazel" in the past,and when she faught you,she compared the 2 of you's strenght.

Az:I doubt it.She called me that the second she talked to me.And I doubt she ever faught Azazel,since he IS very powerful.I sometimes doubt my power around him,but at least,we could be tied,that's for sure.

me:If even HE can outpower you...imagine the power Lucifer has...

Az:Indeed...he is practically a God after all,just the God of Evil.

me:*rolling my eyes**banging my head on the table*Somehow,I prefer demons and Azazel and Lucifer over any freaking stupid angel and God and everything "innocent"That's just a stupidity....Az:*chuckling*I understand,darling.After all,being evil,is easy and being good,is trivial,for usually a human has a short life,they should treasure and they don't find the need to have the "pure" in their heart to care for others rather than themselves.That is why,there is no good people,no matter what.Everyone sins in a way or another,no matter how small the mistake is.

me:If you put it that way,I think of myself as the biggest and most shameless sinner in the world,for fuck's sake....Sloth,Gluttony,Envy,Wrath and Greed are 5 out of the 7 Deadly Sins that most people have.Including me.The other 2 are optional and not always present....But if you see things in this point of view,there are also the 7 Heavenly Virtues.I,myself,can only say that most people can have only Kindness in their heart.

Az:*giggling*Oh so true,I have to agree with you,my dear.Tell me more.

me:*sigh*Seeing that I dont want to fall asleep,I'll talk as much as my mouth doesn't hurt...and even after that.First is Charity.Sure,if you care enough for other people and you are very selfless you can help others,but in the days we live in,and even in the future that you dont know yet of,rich people are greedy and selfish.And those who have little,as much as they'd want to help,want to live themselves.Second is Chastity....Need I say more?I doubt it.Third is DIligence.I dont know much about these days,but in the future I lived in,people only did work to finish it up,not putting the best amount of skill at work,resulting in bad quality products and work.Fourth is Humility.Well,there are 2 types of people in this world.1-Proud,narcissistic bastards  and 2-Self-conscious poor fellows,to whom I can actually relate.Fifth is Kindness,which is simply even having a good thought of another,though nowadays,there are fewer people like this.Sixth is Patience....*groan*Don't even get me started on my bad temper...Especially in days like this one,when I'm sleep deprived and want to freaking sleep so DAMN BAD! But *sigh* Yeah....And finally,seventh,temperance....I even hate the smell of alcohol myself,even though I tried from beer,to wine and vodka....*gag sound*Never again.But then again,there ARE many drunktards out there,waiting for their next victim.

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