Arrows-Part 1

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        I knew it was special. That I was the only one who could see them. It didn't stop hurting, no not ever. I have to walk past people everyday and see 'invisible' arrows in their back representing how many times they've been heartbroken, it's not easy. I go to work each day, my best friend has about a dozen arrows in her back, how do I help her? It's a different story for each person though, usually people only have four or five arrows, it always hurts my soul to see people with more because, I can't help.
     I walk into work with my notebook in hand, I kept count of the arrows in everyone at my workplace so that if need be I could comfort them. The receptionists, three, yep she's fine. Lindsey from level 6, five, normal. Ashley from level 14, four, again normal. I write all the new information down as I walk by each co-worker. In the elevator I run into Jenna from level 21, the same level as me, she has six which is one more than yesterday.
          I look at Jenna's face and can tell somehow she'd been crying. "What happened?" I ask her.
        "What," she gives me a look,"What do you mean?"
        "I'm not an idiot you've been crying." I say as if it were the most obvious thing.
         I wait for her to go on but the door opens and Charles from level 17 come in, he still has eight arrow, I feel bad that he has so many and he's still such a young man,25 years. Charles is followed in by James who works on level 17 as well, he still has 5 arrows. I give Jenna a look telling her we'd continue this later, she nods.
          "How is work going fellas?" I ask in a polite voice.
         "We're doing good, just wait some day we'll catch up to you and Jenna over there!" Charles says enthusiastically.
         "Yeah just you wait! James, who is 24, adds on.
         "I'll be waiting," I look behind me to Jenna," and so will she."
         The elevator reaches level 17 and James and Charles get off, but Julian, who has two arrows, an abnormally low number, gets on. Julian is followed by Grace and Hellen, who both have three arrows in their backs, also a pretty low number. Julian, Grace, and Hellen all work on level 20, the second to top level. My and Jenna work on level 21 it's the very top level.
         We stop again at level 18 and Joe and Molly get on, both have four arrows in their backs. Joe and Molly both work on level 20 as well. Soon enough we reach level 20 and Joe, Molly, Grace, Hellen, Julian all get off. Just as the elevator is about to close someone yells for the elevator to wait. It's my best friend, Emily. I stick my arm out and stop the elevator from closing as she hurries on. I notice the number of arrows in her back hasn't changed but it was still at the very high number of thirteen arrows. I smiled at her as she says thank you.
          We finally arrive at our floor and I pull Jenna aside again, telling Emily I'd catch up with her. "So what happened?" I ask her.
        "Well I had a guy over that I've been seeing for about, I don't know, Six months about." She pauses thinking, "Well he screwed me over and now we aren't together, I really liked him too."
        "I'm really sorry Jenna," I put a hand on her shoulder, "I know you'll find someone someday."
         She smiles and I let her go to her respective area. I walk to my office and sit in the seat. Emily walks in and sits across from me in the chair. "Hiiiiii," she drags out, "I'm really bored."
         "Woman this is your job you can't just come in here and waste time, you're making money here." I jokingly yell at her.
         "Yeah but like, I'm bored." She says again.
         "Ok we can go get cake pops after work if you'll leave me to my business?" I question her.
       "Agreed!" She says and skips out the room. Sometimes it's really hard to believe that she is 34 like me. Me and her have been friends since like tenth grade so we've known each other for a while, but even so I managed to get into a higher position then her here, she says it's because she is to childish and slacked off quite a bit, I have to agree, because she is an intelligent woman.
---La Time Skip To After Work---
          Emily hops into my office and drags me to the elevator, she did manage to leave me to my work so I guess a promise is a promise. We get out of the building soon enough and walk to the nearest Starbucks. We go inside and and pick our cake pops, I pay and then we head back outside. We decide that we should go to the park. I watch as Emily takes a bite of her cake pop and her eyes light up, I decide to take a bite of mine as well. I look around the busy streets of New York, their is so much traffic it's insane. We keep walking and suddenly the park is right across the street. I start to look both ways when Emily just walks across the street.

           I look to the left and no cars. I look to the right a little to late. I hear the tires screech, trying to stop. They didn't do it fast enough. I watch as Emily hit the floor as if it were I slow motion. I yell for someone to call 911 as I grab her body from the floor. I check her pulse, nothing. As I lift her up there are no arrows in her back, they're all gone. I look around and see her cake pop a few inches away from where her hand was, one bite taken out of it.
          All of the sudden someone kneels down next to me. I finally realize I'm sobbing and I honestly don't think I'm gonna stop anytime soon. I look at this unfamiliar man next to me through blurry eyes. I get a glimpse of his back. My eyes go wide, he has more than 36 arrows in his back. He brings me into a hug. My head is over his shoulder and I see an arrow being added to his back, he's hurt over me. That's not what I want. At all. I start sobbing more violently. I don't even hear the ambulance when they take Emily. I'm to caught up in this hug. At some point or another the man had taken me out of the road and onto a bench nearby. He hadn't pull away from the hug and I appreciated it very much.

Word count: 1163
What did you think of this part? I think I'm going to do a part two cause I broke my own heart writing this. I thought it was really good! I hope you can also agree. Love ya!

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