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As much as this have prevented had you just of gone with keeping out of sight and not of come in contact with either Autobot or Decepticons then nothing would be happening.

Gritting your dentas together out of frustration at yourself for becoming a cliche and now having to face the punishment. On your knees kneeling under the foreboding War lord as he paced the room aggravated at how easily Orion Pax was able to revert to Optimus Prime once again. All sense of your doing. The guilt was just too strong.

In human form, you'd be crying profusely. But as of now, you can't seem to cry as machines were never made to cry. Your shoulders were shaking as your ceased silence gave way that you were in shock and now fearing for your life.

"I had made you into one of the most deadly weapons of all time. One that no life form could ever keep their hands on." Megatron said with servos behind his back making a heat of stress run through your systems causing you to let out a whimper as your system mentality was slowly breaking.

"..Forgive me.." You whimpered out helm hanging low and spark beating with hurt from the strain of piteous emotions building up that made you question as to what point there was of ever going back home like this.

Megatron pondered at the way he had you begging on your knees for forgiveness. Reminding him of how the first time he came across you. Reprogramming was always the route to keep you in line just as he had back on Cybertron. The aftershocks keeping you at his every bend at his very will as a mindless little sparkling with the programming of processing infectious orders and killing impassively.

"My liege may I suggest perhaps a rewind of Mite's memories?" Knockout suggested holding the psychic patch in his hands. If he was being honest knowing a background such as your from reading old files in the database he'd wish you to not suffer anymore.

The warlord seemed to be engrossed as to what he was being told. Staring down at your pitiful form then at knockout and nodded. Your fate was set.

"Optimus... Might will be okay won't she?" Jack questioned the Autobot leader who was pondering on the same thought.

Optimus did not seem to answer as he was plagued on thinking from very long ago the sparking was still alive more or less even remembered him. Oh, how he felt his spark be struck with immense guilt. "Might will have to wait on our arrival of rescue" his own words made his spark flood with even more guilt but it was true. He dreaded having to leave something so important behind.

Here it goes watching as the patch was being linked. You prayed from the pit of kaon that this wouldn't be painful. Never had you felt so scared in your life of having to be reprogrammed again. Of course, you only heard knockout say one word but didn't hear it very well as your consciences had been turned back to time.

Distance noises of wheels and noises of passing vehicles are to what your durmas heard and optics had come to see as the first thing when awakening as the shining city of a clean and techno city.

Your mouth felt like it was hanging open as you rose to sit up. Looking around to see you were just sitting on a building ridge with no memory of how you had gotten here. Above was where the passing traffic sounds came.

Walking along the ridge, not an ounce of fear inside you as you walked closely along being sure to hold onto the building for support. Not one single thing from below seemed to of noticed as how well you're transparent body seemed to blend.

Once reaching the bottom you looked around trying to see as to where or what to do next. There weren't any instructions on your scanners or any indications of who you belonged to or even of where you came from. Standing among the crowds of walking Cybertronians who all seemed busy amongst themselves as none batted an optic at you or the fact there was a sparkling walking by herself with no supervision.

"The next metro to leave will be in just a Cycle" came an announcement that reverberated around this station you seemed to have wandered into. As if it made sense to you as you found yourself walking to the open entrance of the metro that pulled up. A miracle of not being tramples by all the bigger mechs and femmes who stepped in in a rush to come aboard.

Propping up on once of the hologram seats that dearly dwarfed your size as you had to stand up fully in order to look out the window behind you to see the rest of the city. Being aware of what the doors closing behind you yet you were clearly much more interested in seeing the city as the train started moving.

There was nothing to worry about when everything started moving as for the most part everything seemed great until the train entered the tunnels which made you have to face everyone else. Dangling you short legs overs the seat humming to yourself without a care. Listening as the train smoothly went along the tracks and the occasional talking of others.

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