1 Prolog

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Hello, my name is Clary, well actually it's Clarissa Adele Morningstar. But to be a Morningstar is not easy because my Father is Valentin Morningstar one of the most wanted people of the world and my brother Jonathan Christopher Morningstar is also wanted ! Why you ask? Because they are bound to the enemies of the Clave and they want to rule the world and destroy the Clave. And to do that they are willing to do anything possible!

Was i had missed to say is, i am a shadowhunter and my task is actually to protect the humans we call Mundies from demons and other downworlders like werewolves, vampires and witches. The problem is just Everybody thinking i am dead!

How it came to it i don't know myself for sure but i didn't like my life as Clarissa Adele Morningstar because i am not like my father and brother . But because of my surname Morningstar the Clave and Downworlders didn't trust me and they shouldn't !!! Apparently i died from a fire in the Fairchild manor in Alicante when i visited my grandparents, three corpses was found but one thing for sure it was not me!
My Father told me, my mother Jocelyn Fairchild and her best friend Lucian Graymark died on a Werewolf Hunt , when i was only one and a half years old.

Now something about me, my hair is red and curly and many told me they are pretty. My eyes are a lighting green. My Father told me my Appearance is like my Mothers but my personality is split in two. There is the side of a Mundie which is the side of a daydreamer and artist. My Brother always told me i would see the world in a way no other Human or shadowhunter would see it and because of that i would always daydreaming. I love it to scratch whether it be runes or something else that's why i am a grafikdesigner in the world of the Mundies and that quite successful too. On the other site, the shadow world side there i am brave and courageous. Besides that i am ambitious and determined. My Brother told me i am the strongest-minded person he ever came to know. But if that is something good or bad , i don't know. In general i am a sarcastic person and sort of quick-witted so i am able to get my way and to tell my opinion. Because of that i came often in difficult situations. Through my Nephilim education i am faster and stronger than Mundies and even have more stamina then them.  I have completely control of my body which makes my movements elegant and graceful.

What makes me special and for what i possible would be hunted down from the shadow world when they ever came to know that i am alive is what my Father had done to me…


I was ten and was training with my brother in the garden of the Morningstar manor. When i heard a sound out of the manor and i was going to investigate were the sound came from. My Brother wanted to look through the floors above us and i was to look in the floors downstairs. In the cellar in the forbidden library i found blood on a book and pulled it out. The bookshelf shoved to the side and i was able to set stairs. I took my fairy light and descended the stairs and on the bottom on the stairs i found a laboratory with many cells. In the cells i found many creatures. Some of them were vampires, werewolves, fairies and Wizards and in others there were different demons. When i looked in two cells i was shocked then in one there was another Nephilim and in the second on was an angel. On the cell with the angel i was going closen when the angel looked up and his golden eyes and connected with mine. Suddenly i heard a voice in my head “Clarissa, my name is Ithuriel i am a angel approved to go to earth." “ Hello Ithuriel why has Father summoned you and that in a cell?” and then i heard that same voice again “Valentin Morningstar wanted to know something to which i am not able to answer to save the balance of the worlds. But when you want i can show you something about you, your brother and another boy what can make you see who you really are and to what you capable of!” I agreed and suddenly i saw pictures in my head. The first one showed my pregnant mother , both my parents looked happy. The next one showed my Father who accepted a cup from a demon. Another Picture showed my brother just when he was born an i saw his eyes change from green to black and my mother's shocked look. Another one showed Valentine and Ithuriel and it looked as if my father draw blood from Ithuriel. The next one showed a woman and my father who slit open her stomach and saved a baby. The next one showed my mother which was pregnant with me. Another showed my father mixing blood from a damon and Ithuriel in the food from my mother. The last picture which was ithuriel showed me was of me as a baby which screamt out of anger and my eyes changing to black. I asked the angel what it means. "Clarissa , you are chosen from heaven and hell and your powers are stronger than anyones elses. You inherit more angelblood which allowed you to design and make stronger runes and are able to draw old long forgotten runes. But the demon blood makes you stronger and unpredictable and you are able to access magic! You should control your anger when you doesnt want that somebody sees your black demon eyes.” My emotions running high, i was confused, angry and sad. And without another word i left the Angel Ithuriel at his cell.

>>Flashback End<<

After this incident i told my brother what i found but he knew already about it and so i ran to my room, packed my things and vanished.

I met Magnus the highest Wizard of Brooklyn, since i was ten years old he took care of me and helped me to know my powers. He is one of the only ones who know who i really am. He continued to train me like a nephilim and i attended a Mundie School and there i was able to archive a good graduate certification. In school i found my best friend Simon Lewis but he knew nothing about my other life. When i had graduated i moved to a loft and became a housemate named Don which looked as old as me but in Reality she is a witch and much older. She knew about my Identity but she would never rat me out.

In the meantime i am twenty and a sucessfull mundie- Grafikdesignerin. My best friend Simon is a sucessfull comic artist and we see each other every day. The shadowworld still thinks i am dead.

But my life as a Mundie will change just a few days when i had turned twenty.

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