wowie, i was tagged.

9 2 2

( i can't screenshot the picture. fuck the tablet. )


1). mention who tagged you.

2). do it in three days.

3). tag twenty-eight people.

4). say ten things about yourself.

5). tell a joke.

6). write a spoiler for a book of yours.

7). put these rules in your tag.


1). i was tagged by @festive-b-aggy 

2). i'm pretty sure i was  tagged today, so-

3). i don't like tagging people, but feel free to do it, if you'd like.


▪i have two siblings.

▪i find it super hard to leave fandoms.

▪i don't like saying "you're welcome," it makes me feel selfish.

▪i get extremely when i have to make a decision.

▪ navy blue and lavender are my favorite colors.

▪crime shows and shows filled with government shenanigans are my favorites.

▪i like feeling edgy, even though i know i'm not.

▪bob ross "beating the devil" out of his paint brush brings me immense joy.

▪my family celebrates christmas even though we aren't religious; it's a cultural thing. 

▪i call everybody bitch.

5). how does a penguin build a house? igloos it together.

6). i don't really write.

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