The Lone Wanderer (Character Introductions)

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WARNING: This chapter contains minor spoilers for the Titanfall 2 campaign. And you may not understand it all if you haven't played it before, or don't have a basic understanding of it.


On the HMS Blackbird, 6-4's main headquarters.

I wake up to loud laughter and find myself sitting in a chair. "Why the fuck did I fall asleep in a chair?", I take a quick look around and spot two empty bottles of whiskey on the table beside me. "Well, that answers that." I try to get comfortable in the chair again, "Hey!" I look in the direction the voice came from to see an empty beer can fly towards me, I don't have time to react as it hits me square in the nose, the shock of the situation I've just been put in gives me enough backward momentum to fall -with the chair- onto the floor knocking the air out of my lungs. " Bullseye!" I hear from the other side of the room, quickly followed by laughter.

"Hey, Davis was that really necessary?" I shout to the owner of the previously mentioned beer can. "It was only target practice! And the with the size of your head it was only good warmup!" I wipe my eyes clean of excess beer and stand up. "After I take a shower this can better be gone, or it's going straight up your arse!" Davis turned to face and made a mock scared face. "Oh listen to the big boy talk." came the comment from Gates. "Shut it, Bill." I retaliated. "Oh we're hitting with the old nicknames are we Drunk Driver?" "Once again, shut it" Gates looked at me with a smirk before looking over to Davis and Droz having a staring contest while eating.

After my cold morning shower, I grabbed my volt and headed off the small practice range. I would prefer to use the R-201 -my allrounder rifle, and the one I used most often- but the volt shot energy rounds so I didn't have to buy ammo, or a new target for that matter. Bear had gotten ahead of me, already putting his own donation into the targets. "Missed many?" I asked, "Less than your usual." Bear hit back with. "So we got any missions or anything soon?" I asked shifting the focus of the conversation. "We've been called in to help the SRS stop the transport of some 'Ark', whatever that is."

Ahh, the SRS, the one group calling themselves 'The best of the best' but still giving out promotions left and right. Hell, I've heard of some rifleman becoming a pilot with minimal training by the crash site of the McAllan. Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess. Though the story continues with him going further and surviving one of the experimental factories that the IMC had built, so he seems qualified enough for the job.

I spent some more time shooting targets while talking to Bear, lucky enough he had brought a suppressor for his rubber-filled P2016 so we didn't have to shout. After feeling confident enough to end my warmup, I went to the next destination on my routine to-do list, the workshop of sorts we had. I was the one that spent the most time here as the other used their part of the Titan storage to clean their weapons and so on.

While I didn't have a titan. I know what you're thinking, 'How can you be a pilot without anything to... pilot?' well, funny story that is, I don't like the Titans as I feel contained and restricted in them. Instead, I've used my time I should have learning titan control and shit like that, upgrading my jump-kit, tactical gadget etc. So I'm more of an assassin than anything else, which has given a fair few nicknames, like 'Drunk Driver', 'Machine Introvert' and 'Lone Wanderer'. (Pretty sure that last one came from a Fallout fan but y'know.)

You may also be wondering 'The fuck kinda upgrades?'. Well to name a few I've messed around with the thrusters on my jump-kit so I have more control and finesse in my movements. My boots have better traction making me able to run on walls much longer. Thirdly I have made it lighter so I can run with more ease and jump higher.

Now for the tacticals. (Not to brag but I'm pretty fuckin' proud of these) I have no need for stim or a grappling hook (Even though I know how much fun those are) because of my jump-kit and thin A-wall plating, which I have put around my suit, it holds for a while but still doesn't make me invincible.
The Stealth Cloaking comes in handy pretty often as I get sent off on stealth assassinations the most often out of everyone at the 6-4. The Holo-Pilot... eh not that useful but always fun to play with. I have a bag of Pulse Blades on my right hip, on that bag I have attached a small prototype of a Cloaking-based tech. It's basically just a small contraption you place onto an object, which then gives that object the effect of the Stealth Cloak. Useful for hiding bombs or shit like that on destruction missions. It's still a prototype since I would like to expand the size of the objects I can use it on. Like a small jet.

Now for my suit, I have sound dampers on my boots and joints to make a silent approach easier. My helmet may not look different from other pilot helmets, but I have integrated Pulse Blade-like tech into it revealing enemy positions within a twenty-five-meter radius. My teammates also have a chip I've given them so they don't show up as enemies. The chip in question also doubles (or triples) up as it can give me info about if they are in danger or not, this is done by it having a voice- and sound recognition, it can recognize sounds like gunshots, and others talking giving me a status update in my teammates' current situation. I can also use it to record audio logs, and recordings, like if the big bad guys are having a meeting I can come on a visit and record the ordeal. However what I don't use it for is stalking, I ain't-a creep.

Now enough sucking my dick over my past engineering accomplishments, right now I'm finicking with a hand-mounted time traveling device the aforementioned rifleman-gone-pilot-in-ten-minutes otherwise known as Jack Cooper had found. He said he'd found it on the dead body of his (now former) commander. He also said he'd found the body stuck in a ceiling, he didn't care to explain how, but I'm not too sure I'd want to know.

The device had to go through some tests as I wanted to use it as like a Phase Shift, just cooler. Since the upside-down isn't really survivable for humans when not in a titan made for it, I couldn't just say 'fuck you I have a get out of jail free card' when in a pickle, but hopefully, after I'm done with this I can.

My main focus right now was decreasing its size. It was way too big for my standards and I liked to have the wrist with my tactical activators clean and organized. My train of thought was interrupted by Bear when he scared me by leaning in and saying, "Gates wants us at the debriefing room." I dropped my tools holding my chest, "Jesus Christ! Holy shit you scared me." Bear just smirked, "Bonus points for me then, and when did you become religious?" He started walking off til I asked, "How long did you stand there?" He stopped and turned to look at me, "About seven.. seven to eight minutes I think." "Jaysus Christ." He turned around to continue his trek to the debrief room.

I finished up my work and wrote down what I'd done so far, I liked to keep track of my progress so I could look back and see what I could do to be more effective on later projects. Seems I'd been working on this for two and a half hour now. I kept a closer eye on this project, as I was toying with time and space here. Of course, it helped to have the general idea and structure built by someone else but still. I met up at the meeting to find the usual, Gates ready to discuss what looks like a full on war, even if it's just a small infiltration, Bear sitting listening attentively, and Droz and Davis missing, though they should come any minute now.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, just as I thought. Davis came running through the door, seemingly out of breath. Although he pushed himself onto the wall by the door listening for Droz. And when he finally caught up -performing his own running session- Davis stuck his foot out barely visible by the doorframe. Davis' trick worked as in the following seconds Droz laid defeated on the floor, although he raised his hand up in a 'thumbs up' gesture mumbling "I'm fine" still with his face discovering cracks in the floorboard. Davis burst out laughing and went to find his spot by the table, but not before Droz got a say in it, he moved his foot between Davis' and pulled his foot towards himself. Now both of them were on the floor, performing their duties as vacuum cleaners.

Bear gave a satisfied grin at the two's shenanigans while Gates gave an unproud smile, the one you make when you don't want to admit you find something funny. I laughed along with the duo. "You're gonna end up killin' each other by accident someday," Gates said before moving onto the breifing.

(A/N) That was the end of the chapter. It's just kind of an introduction of the main character and how I think the 6-4 would behave off-mission. I'm going to keep the storyline in the Titanfall universe before I move onto the juicy stuff.

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