Chapter 2

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A salty substance broke (y/n) out of her trance. She quickly recovered only to find that tears were trickling down her rosy cheeks. It's been so long since she had those past memories. Why did I remember that...out of all places? She thought to herself as she quickly regained speed towards her original destination. Soon, she reached an empty area filled with planted trees and flowers. The girl scanned around the natural field, looking for her bronze eyed friend.

"(Y/n)! Over here!" A boy called out to her. (Y/n) turned towards the echoing sound, leading her to find a loosely clothed man waving to her at an old oak tree. Breathing steadily, the girl walked towards her smirking friend-yet feeling a sense of dread in him. As she achieved a closer proximity to Kyo, she discovered that he was holding a strawberry and blackberry smoothie in his hand. Filled with suspicion, (y/n) raised her right eyebrow, staring at him in a interrogated way.

"....What did you do now...?" The girl asked, as her friend started to scratch the back of his head. How am I going to explain this to her? He nervously thought as he proceeded to find the right words to tell her friends the news.

"We-well, you see...(y/n)... remember how I told you that you got accepted to the elite high school?" Kyo stammered as he avoided eye contact with his nodding friend. "Well... You still get to go to the high"

"Spit it out Kyo, I didn't wake up this early in the morning so I can hear you fail at speech."

Pressured by his irritated friend, Kyo blurted out, "You're going to Corvallis Academy with me, which is a all boy school!". The boy covered his mouth as if he'd spoken a forbidden language. Slowly, the he slowly paced backwards. It took (y/n) a minute to comprehend what her friend had just announced. At each passing second, her brows slanted into an angered expression. She pinched her nose looking down, panting slowly, but unsteady.

" what your telling me is that I'm going to an all boys school...." The girl announced in a cautious tone.

"....yes..." The nervous boy squeaked as he tightly hugged the oak tree, hiding behind it from harms way. His friend glared straight into his eyes, stating, " You have 5 fucking seconds to run..."



" Come on, I got you into a great school...."


"(Y/n), please..."


"Fuck it, I'll run!", with his remaining two seconds, Kyo dashed away from his pissed off friend.

".....2.....1......I'm going to kill you!
After a wild cat and mouse chase, the two friends settled down with (y/n) satisfied with Kyo's punishment. The blonde male gently rubbed the bruises he had from karate chops and punches. Slowly, he turned to his smug friend, whimpering.

"Y-you didn't have to hit me that really hurt..."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes busting her friend in sarcastic tone.
"Kyo, you're the leader on the Black Dragons. I've seen what your gang members done to people. You know I don't really encourage your work of the-quote on quote-'cruelest gangster in Japan', but I know it makes you happy, so I'm not forcing you to quit. I'm sure you've done terrible things, too-and been in a lot of fights. So, you have no right to cry over some bruises." Her friend looked at her in a shameful surprise. Looking down at his pants, he endorsed the words the girl had said.

"Sigh, you're right... I do terrible things, but it's my job. Someone has to imply rules to other gangsters...or else shot will happen. My position is cruel, but also helps place peace to troublemakers. Since no one can overpower me, no one steps out of line. And those who do, have to be taught a lesson..." Kyo cracked his knuckles as he reference himself to all the wanna be gangsters declaring battles for the throne of leader. "However..."he continued," You always manage to persuade me into giving mercy. Haha, I don't know how you do've been the only person I care about."

(Y/n) snickered, replying to her friend in a low, wizard like tone."That is because I'm a powerful sorceress that can charm people with just a plea!" Kyo laughed at his weird friend.

"Do you want to get a slushie, and go to our hideout?~" he said wiggling his eyebrows in a funny up and down wave.
The girl chuckled, and stood up and cheerfully stated "Sure, come let's go! I want a bl-"

"Blue raspberry and strawberry mix slushie with a specific purple straw?" The bronze eyed man smirked.

(Y/n) face turned red in embarrassment for her predictable likings, and slowly walked past her giggling friend, saying, " Yes, that's what I come on tryhard! Time is passing!"

As the two chattering friend walked through the path of the park, the blonde haired boy stopped dead in his tracks. He held a hand out for his confused friend, signaling her to be quiet. (Y/n) has early seen her friend this serious as she glanced at the boy's piercing angered eyes. 'What the hell is happening? Why did we stop?' She thought, reminding herself not to make a noise. The boy was cautiously looking around the area, holding the girl in a tight embrace as if to guard her from the world. Suddenly, a male jumped out of the east side of the forest park, panting , while holding a knife and paper. Kyo froze in surprise, finally loosening the grip of his friend as he walked towards the male.

"The fuck, asshole? Why didn't you just walk over to me and hand me the paper like a normal fucking person? I thought you were planning an attack on me, Raiden!"
The blonde male scolded at the messenger.

(Y/n) slowly walked towards her angry friend, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Kyo turned to her, his angry expression quickly melted into a cheerful and innocent one, telling her, " Sorry (y/n), I kind have to deal with this guy for a minute... can you wait for me at the bench? The girl slowly walked towards the nearest bench and gave a bored sigh, as she kicked her legs up and down waiting for her friend to be done.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Raiden chuckled eyeing the sitting girl. Kyo glared at him, almost piercing his dagger like eyes into his right hand man. "Shut the fucks up, bastard...." he growled, hiding his blushing face from the red haired boy.

Soon on, the two males were deep into the conversation of the message brought upon when they heard a feminine scream across a familiar voice.

"Ahhh! I said no!" (Y/n) yelled, as she was held by her wrists by a jock like male.

"Come on baby, I know you want a piece of me. I'm here to help you, hottie~." The black haired boy announced, leaning in for a kiss.

Without realizing, Kyo's legged began to dart toward his harassed friend, and harshly kicked the jock in his privates. The harassed girl ran behind her friend, whimpering.

" You mother fucker..." The black haired boy groaned, slowly getting up to face his attacker. However, as soon as he did, he backed away. "You-you're the leader of the Black Dragons... I'm sorry!" He ran away, leaving the three friends alone.

"Are you ok?" Kyo and Raiden asked simultaneously.
(Y/n) nodded, brushing her hair out of her eyes. The crimson haired boy quietly gasped as he saw the girl's face. Her eye. That purple eye, is it really her? He thought, turning his eyes away from the confused girl. He covered his blushing face. I missed her so much...

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