Dragonball Hakai~ ep 2 (discovery saga)

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Dragonball Hakai~ep2 (discovery saga)

*at mountain*

Hiker: huh, the door is locked, let's nock it down!

Hiker 2: *picks up giant log of wood and bashes it against the hidden door 3 times until it breaks* perfect!

*in Kyabetsu's pod*

Kyabetsu:freeeeeeeeedom! Finally! I can be in a land of peace, and if any of those stupid, murdering Saiyans come back to take me away I'll tear them to pieces

Escape pod: *beep, beep* landing on Earth in 5 minutes, if you wish, select a location to land, if not, we will land on the closest location possible

Kyabetsu: just take me anywhere, I don't care, just get me out of this pod my back is cramped!

Escape pod: when you say 'get me out of this pod' do you realise that I am the pod

Kyabetsu: yeah I don't care about you, whether you have feelings or not because you where created by those stupid saiyans

Escape pod: well, so where you Kyabetsu

Kyabetsu: uah, that's just gross, okay

Escape pod: and it's not gross saying that I was made by saiyans

Kyabetsu: yeah well you're a mac-uhh never mind, I guess we're both the same, I might keep you, you might come handy in the future

Pod: why, thank you

Kyabetsu: that wasn't supposed to be a compliment

Pod: arriving in Earths atmosphere, right now

Kyabetsu: that's nic-woah look over there *points at something else coming towards Earth* it looks like another type of... pod, who's is it and why are they going to Earth? Hey uuhh, pod, can we land a little bit closer to the other pod?

Pod: sure

*2 minutes later*

Kyabetsu: we've arrived, now open the door already

Pod: *opens door*

Kyabetsu: *steps out* aaahhh fresh air *takes his first few steps outside* and the gravity is sssoooo light, I feel like I can fly without even trying! Hey look at that *points at abandoned pod* looks like the other guy got here before us, oh wait, I can sense a power level, weak but way stronger than a regular human, it might be the guy who came here in the pod, I better go check it out!

Pod: so you're just going to leave me here

Kyabetsu: aahhh, yep, bye *takes flight and heads towards strange power level*

*45 mins later*

Kyabetsu: the power level is getting closer, I guess I should speed up some more, *speeds up to his sprint fly*

Frij: huh, my scouters detecting something really powerful coming up behind me, I thought earthlings where supposed to be weak! Wait let me check his exact power level...100,000!, this guys crazy! How is an earthling so powerful! And why are they heading towards me, things might get a little chaotic!

Kyabetsu: huh, I can see him, he's flying? I didn't think humans could fly, well I better go investigate who he is

Frij: huh, WHAT!

Kyabetsu: *flys right in front of Frij*

Frij: whhuuuh, uuuhhh, who are you! Please don't hurt me!

Kyabetsu: I won- huh, you look, like... like A-Arctic, t-the guy who t-t-tortured me and my f-family... YOU BASTARD!

Frij: wh-no that's not m-

Kyabetsu: *lands a series of punches on Frij, then uppercuts him in the gut... long pause as Kyabetsu's fist is in Frij's gut, then Kyabetsu kicks Frij 50 metres away*

Frij: ple-please don't kill me, I don't have any interest in fighting, just sp-spare me, I'm not the person you're t-talking about.

Kyabetsu: I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU'RE FILTHY LIES! NOW STAND UP AND FIGHT ME, AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE PAIN YOU GAVE MY PARENTS WHEN YOU MURDERED THEM! *flys down and punches Frij into the ground, then flys up and charges a galik gun* GALIK-

Frij: no please! I promise I'm not who you think I am, I'm just here to explore! As I already told you I have no interest in fighting!

Kyabetsu: huh, heey, you're not Artic!

Frij: yes that's it, I'm innocent!

Kyabetsu: well you could of told me earlier!

Frij: WHAA- uuhh never mind, look I'm an explorer, I don't mean to harm anyone

Kyabetsu: well that's good for you, hey, you know what... I'm starving!

Frij: yeah, me too

Kyabetsu: how about we find a bakery or something, although the problem is I don't have any cash

Frij: I think I bought some zeny before I flew down... and got it! *pulls out zeny from pocket in armour*

Kyabetsu: sweet! Let's EAT!

Dragonball: Hakai [Discovery Saga] DBH1Where stories live. Discover now