Chapter 7: I Love You!

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Vanellope went outside and sighed. I wish I never would've tell Hiro I liked Jamie, Vanellope said to herself and face palms. Then Vannellope felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around and saw Hiro. Hiro! Vanellope said happily and jumped into Hiro's arms and kisses him. I love you, Vanellope said. Really?! Hiro said. Yes! Vanellope said as they kissed. I love you Vanellope, Hiro said. I love you too, Vanellope said.

They went home and hold hands. So, what do you wanna do now? Vanellope asked. All I wanna do is be with you, he says. She giggles and smiles. Their eyes lock into each other's and silent for a moment. Until baymax enters their room and sees them. Ooh Hiro's got a girlfriend! Baymax exclaimed. What! No! Hiro yells. Hiro has a girlfriend, baymax says. Stay out of it baymax! Hiro yells. Vanellope starts laughing in laughter. What's so funny? Hiro asks. Oh nothing, Vanellope said. Cmon let's go somewhere where no one can bother us, Hiro said.

They both go to the rooftop. What is this place? Vanellope asks? I like to call it the hideout or should I say our hideout, Hiro says. I love it! Vanellope said. They lay down and look up at the night-sky. This is the best day ever, Hiro says. You know it! Vanellope added. They keep talking for almost the night. I'm so glad I could be with you tonight, Hiro said. Me too, Vanellope said. Vanellope, do you wanna be my girlfriend? Hiro asks. YES! I would love to be your girlfriend, Vanellope says happily. They kiss for a moment and they go to sleep.

Sorry I haven't been writing in ages! But I'll write a lot more often. I hope you guys liked this new chapter! Tell me what story I should do next.

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