At Hiro's house they barely arrived and Vanellope was so excited to stay with Hiro at his house.
Are you excited Vanellope? Hiro told Vanellope. Yeah better than ever! Vanellope said nervously. Hey Hiro who's this girl you brought with you? Cass said. Well um she's here to... Oh, I know she's your girlfriend, Aunt Cass said. (Hiro started to blush) No, we are just friends, Hiro said.
Hi I'm Vanellope Von Schweetz nice to meet you, Vanellope told to Cass. Oh hi there I bet you must Hiro's girlfriend, aunt Cass said. (Hiro blushed red)Ugh she's not my girlfriend, please stop saying that! Hiro yelled at Cass. Oh, okay, why don't you two go upstairs and have some fun together.
Come Vanellope let me show my room, Hiro said. I love your room Hiro, Vanellope said. Thanks Vanellope, Hiro thanked Vanellope. Your welcome, Hiro. Vanellope said. But what room will I sleep? Vanellope questioned.
Um well you could sleep with me, Hiro told Vanellope. Gee thanks Hiro! Vanellope thanked Hiro. No problem Vanellope I'm glad to help, Hiro said. Hey, who's that? Vanellope told Hiro. Oh um, that's baymax my personal healthcare companion, Hiro said. Baymax this is Vanellope, Vanellope this is baymax. Hiro told them.
Do want me to detect your feelings? Baymax asked. No your embarrassing me baymax! Hiro said. Please just leave us alone! Then Vanellope giggles when Hiro was pleading to baymax. Alright Hiro, detection says your in love. Baymax said. Gahhh!!! Hiro was shocked. GET OUT!!! Hiro yelled at baymax.
Sorry about that Vanellope, Hiro said. It's alright, I think your so cute when you were pleading. Vanellope said. Hey love birds what are you two doing? Aunt Cass told them.
Please don't call us that unless if we like it! Hiro said. I like it, It's a cute nickname for us. Vanellope said. See Hiro, even your girlfriend agrees with the name, Cass said. (Hiro blushes)Ugh she is not my girlfriend!!! Hiro yelled. Okay if you say so, no you two go to sleep tomorrow you two have school remember? Aunt Cass reminded them.
Okay good night aunt Cass! Hiro said. Good night Hiro, Cass said. Oh Hiro don't forget to kiss your girlfriend good night! Cass told him. (Hiro blushed) okay fine! Hiro said. Uh Vanellope (he kissed her) good night Vanellope! Hiro said. Then they both blushed and said good night to each other! And went back to sleep.

FanfictieI love shipping these two more than friends, but as couples! A story how they fall in love! DISCONTINUED Edit: I don't really ship these two as I used to because they're years apart so