Random Drabbles

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A/N: I used to do this thing on my writing blog where people would send in a sentence and I would write a couple more and it would make a small fic. This is all the ones (or most) of the ones for Wally.

The bold parts are the parts people sent in!


"I am vengeance! I am the night! I am - oh hey look cookies!"

"Is that really your best Batman impression?" Y/N asked as her boyfriend shoved three cookies in his mouth.

"I cannot help that I got distracted, Y/N. Cookies are a national treasure and deserve my full attention at any given time." Wally said as he grabbed three more off the plate.

Y/N laughed as she watched her boyfriend scarf down the rest of the batch.


"Is this number for me or that model behind me?"

"The only model I see is the one standing right in front of me." Wally said with a wink.

Y/N rolled her eyes. She wasn't sure how this boy had managed to sneak into a Wayne Gala, but she couldn't be too mad that he had chosen her of all people to flirt with.

"Right, well that line might have a better affect on one of the giggling girls over there in the corner." Y/N said as she turned to go.

"I like to think it made its intended effect." Wally said as he offered his arm to her. Y/N sighed and took it. High society functions are boring as fuck anyways.

Wally West x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now