The Signs Having A Bad Day

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Aries: "Hi, excuse me... could you maybe SHUT THE FUCK UP?!

Taurus: *Mutters under breath*  "These son's of biscuits"  *Angrily bites a Snicker* 

Gemini: *Gives the world the silent treatment*

Cancer: *Doesn't speak and frowns*  "I hate everyone"  *Apologizes*

Leo: *Looks in the mirror*  "What the FUCK are you doing, hair?"  *Starts crying*

Virgo: "Hahahahahaha AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"  *Hits you with a brick*

Libra: "Do you want to hear a joke? YOU! YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE!"  *Slams door*

Scorpio: "Fucking MOVE"  *Shoves everyone out of the way*

Sagittarius: "Yes, hello, 911? I'm about to commit a murder"

Capricorn: "I said NO ONION!"  *Starts throwing plates*

Aquarius: *Gets drunk*

Pisces: *Closes the curtains and locks the door*  *Sobs quietly to The Notebook*


I just love this one XD 

Virgo's made me laugh so hard, I don't even know why

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