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"Do you think we can do this on our own?" I asked them, looking through the pages of the book in my hands.

"When there's a will, there's a way. With teamwork, we can make it through this"

"But it's a war guys." I clarified. "It's not a game at all. People are getting hurt and it sadden me that we can't do anything about it." I sighed.

"You know we tried babe but it just didn't work"

"I know. That's why I am not sure if we can do it all alone." I explained

"Don't forget that we're not near normal Alizé, the three of us. We can work together on this and trust me, when we use combined power, we can be stronger."

I hesitated a little but nodded my head slowly.

I hope we are doing the right thing.

Copyright © 2014 Zaynmxgnet

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