december 2nd

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tuesday, december 2nd, 2018

jaehyun had a frown on his face as he walked into the school, he wasn't in a good mood today and he really didn't know why. or at least he claimed he didn't know why when his friends asked what was wrong.

he lazily opened the locker a smiled the slightest bit when he saw another candy in his locker like yesterday. he put the candy in his bag and picked up the piece of pink paper slowly. the other note was on his wall at home so he could read it when he felt down.

23 days until christmas. it seems like you never eat, you always come to the cafeteria with your friends and laugh with them, but you never eat. that makes me sad because you need to eat to be healthy. i normally sit with my one friend and get sad when i realize that you always sit there for an hour, but never touch your food. please eat more and stay warm jaehyun.
                        forever yours,

jaehyun frowned at this for a second, before realizing that this person clearly cared for him. he grinned and folded the piece of paper before shoving it in his pocket and closing the locker. his friend taeyong walked next to him.

"why are you suddenly so happy? two seconds ago you looked like someone shit in your cheerios." he said, grinning at his friend. "somebody is giving me notes everyday until christmas." jaehyun said, pulling the paper out of his pocket and handing it to his friend.

"oh my, we totally need to find who this is. j. johnny? jinyoung? jamie? jihyo? jaemin? there's so many possibilities." taeyong said, a sparkle in his eyes as he thought about someone liking his sad friend.

"it's not jaemin he's whipped for jeno and renjun." jaehyun mumbled, rolling his eyes. "there's that one quiet kid in our english class, um, jungwoo i think." taeyong said, looking at his friend who looked utterly confused.

"where does he sit?" jaehyun asked quickly. "between yuta and doyoung." taeyong said, turning into the science class, leaving jaehyun alone to walk to math class. he wondered what this jungwoo kid looked like.

he'd have to look at him in english later.

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