december 4th

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thursday, december 4th, 2018

jaehyun opened his locker quickly, a grin on his face as he took the chocolate and put it in his bag, grabbing the note and unfolding it. he hoped that maybe this person would talk about how him and jungwoo talked all day yesterday.

maybe they'd expose themselves, maybe they were jungwoo. hope was flourishing in his chest, he really just wanted to know who this person was. he wanted to know who was making his heart beat faster with every pink note and kiss.

21 days until christmas. you were smiling all day yesterday, and your laughter was ringing through the halls. it made my heart happy because you were so happy. your dimples are so cute i swear you're going to be the death of me. eat lots and be healthy you beautiful boy <3
forever yours,

jaehyun frowned when he realized this person wasn't exposing themselves anytime soon. but once again, the note made his heart flutter, and as soon as he was over his sadness about how mysterious this person was, a wide smile replaced his frown.

"jaehyun~" a sing song voice called him, he looked over to see jungwoo skipping to him happily. "hey jungwoo. what class do you have right now." jaehyun asked, walking beside the cheerful boy who pouted at the question.

"science, i hate science." jungwoo said, looking at the ground. jaehyun uwued at this, the boy beside him was so cute. it took him almost the whole day to get jungwoo to trust him though, but it was worth it for sure.

"well, let's hate science together then"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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