[ 02 ] the night we met

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min-hyuk wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary on the late october day. but with the way the air felt heavier than usual, he should've taken even that little gesture as a sign.

he didn't expect anything as he walked down the worn pebble path away from his broken home and to the somber playground that he loved to occupy—and had been occupying late nights for the past 9 years.

he still didn't expect anything as he sat on the rusted swing with his earbuds in as someone approached him from behind.

and even still he didn't expect anything until he saw a shadow from the corner of his eye occupy the swing to the right of him.

out of surprise and he fear he jumped immediately putting his guard up in self defense hopping off the swing, until he noticed the presence beside him.

it was a girl.

once his breathing relaxed and he was no longer in a panicked state he sat back down in his previous spot draping an earbud wire around his ears.

he didn't realize it at first but following this action he heard the faint sound of sniffles. he looked over at her, she wasn't looking at him, but instead far off into the woods that sat across from the park.

the reflection of the moon shone across her face enabling him to see the trail of tears running down her face.

he didn't know what to do in this situation.

he wasn't good at all when it came to feelings or emotions. he couldn't even express his own properly sometimes. but he knew one thing: pretty girls shouldn't cry. and so he handed her an ear bud.

at first she looked confused but she eventually took it  and put it in her ear decorated with silver jewelry before tucking a piece of hair behind it.

he didn't say anything and nor did she but he could have sworn he saw a soft smile upon her lips.

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