[ 03 ] familiar introductions

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min-hyuk hated school. probably more than he hated being home. and 7 hours of it 5x a week really stressed him out.

it's his sensory overload. there's just so many sounds coming from so many places. the noisy kids in the hallways talking, the class bell, even in a testing environment  the sound of erasers erasing bothers him.

he thought nothing could pull his head out of the angst that school makes him feel. nothing at all. until..

"can i sit here?" a quiet voice asked from beside him.
it was the girl from the park. he noticed her immediately the day after they met at school but neither bothered to say anything. until now.

she's had class with him the entire year. why decide to sit with him now? he didn't know. but he answered "yes" anyways, the sound of his own voice sounding foreign to himself, and she sat beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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